Lower back pain. 7. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 16, 1613-1624. Spinal Cord Injury and Compression Information Page | Patient The international standards booklet for neurological and functional classification of spinal cord injury. Emergency Neurologic Life Support: Spinal Cord Compression. Spinal cord compression often occurs as a complication of cancer in people who know they have the disease, but this isn't always the case. Bowel and bladder symptoms with perianal numbness may be indicative of cauda equina syndrome, a true emergency that requires urgent decompression. Unless a red flag is noted on the clinical examination, plain-film radiographs are not recommended for the routine evaluation of patients with acute neck or low back pain within the first month of symptoms3 (Table 1).5, Computed tomographic (CT) scanning, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), myelography and combined CT and myelography can clearly define anatomy. Spinal cord emergencies: false reassurance from reflexes. Below the level of the lesion, motor, sensory, reflex and autonomic (including sphincter) function is lost. Differential diagnosis: a reasonable clinical approach. LP may also have a diagnostic role. The diagnosis is established by thorough neurologic examination, plain x-rays, myelography, CT and MRI scanning. Tung GA, 5. Van der Reis W. Cauda equina syndrome (CES) is a rare occurrence that almost always warrants urgent surgical intervention. This space allows for processes such as bleeding, neoplasm and infection to reach an advanced stage before neurologic sequelae are noted.7. Get the latest public health information from CDC: https://www.coronavirus.gov, Get the latest research information from NIH: https://www.nih.gov/coronavirus, Find NCBI SARS-CoV-2 literature, sequence, and clinical content: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sars-cov-2/. If a patient presents with cauda equina syndrome, early decompression should be performed. 8. How do doctors treat spinal cord compression? This T1-weighted sagittal MRI shows a large disc herniation at C6-C7 (arrow) that is compressing the adjacent cervical cord. Differential diagnosis: a reasonable clinical approach. Importantly, a delay in diagnosis may lead to permanent disability. Several elements in the patient's medical history may be thought of as red flags (Table 1),5 although some conditions can make spinal pathology particularly difficult to evaluate (Table 2).1 In situations in which it may be extremely difficult to interpret nonclassic signs and symptoms, the physician's best judgment should be used to determine whether diagnostic testing or referral to a spine specialist is indicated. Gaufberg SV. Osteophytic overgrowth ventrally and, in some cases, buckling of the ligamentum flavum dorsally can cause direct compression of the spinal cord resulting in myelopathy (clinically evident spinal cord dysfunction). T2 - Spinal Cord Compression. Rosen P. Emergency medicine: concepts and clinical practice. Waiting longer than 72 hours increases the risk of permanent neurologic deficits. Quint DJ, Clin Sports Med. This reduces the chance of permanent damage to the spinal cord. 1978 Jan;3(1):40-51. doi: 10.1002/ana.410030107. Low back pain: an algorithmic approach to diagnosis and management. Reprints are not available from the authors. Red Flags •Night pain/sweats/fever •Unexpected weight loss •Bowel and bladder dysfunction •Long tract signs •Signs of neurogenic claudication •Weakness and paresthesias in extremities. The hyperintensity of the disc and adjacent prevertebral and ventral epidural soft tissues likely represents a combination of edema and hemorrhage. The gradient-echo sagittal magnetic resonance image (MRI) shows multiple areas of high and low signal intensity related to the spinal metastasis. Spine. 2011;18(7):719-725. d'Arcy HS, After reading this article and taking this test, you should be able to: Discuss the risk factors for and incidence of malignant spinal cord compression. Localized spinal tenderness. Acta Neurochir [Wien]. In the emergency room, a doctor may be able to rule out a spinal cord injury by careful inspection and examination, testing for sensory function and movement, and by asking some questions about the accident.But if the injured person complains of neck pain, isn't fully awake, or has obvious signs of weakness or neurological injury, emergency diagnostic tests may be needed.These tests may include: 1. There are many causes of acute myelopathy including multiple sclerosis, systemic disease, and acute spinal cord compression (SCC). 18. Alexiadou-Rudolf C, This impairment can o … The emergency depart- ment radiologist should be familiar with the common differential di-agnoses of acute myelopathy and be able to differentiate compressive from noncompressive causes. 95-0642, Information from Glick TH, Workman TP, Gaufberg SV. Klug N. Physicians caring for patients with cancer must maintain a high index of suspicion for this problem. The two most common cancers to cause spinal cord compression are: Myeloma – neoplastic plasma cells proliferate within the marrow itself Prompt diagnosis of acute SCC is critical because optimal patient outcomes are predicated on early treatment. Background: Metastatic spinal cord compression is a dreaded complication of cancer affecting 5-10% of patients requiring urgent treatment. Diagnosis of spinal cord compression in nontrauma patients in the emergency department. Imaging studies are extremely important in the evaluation of spinal cord emergencies. Emerg Med Clin North Am. The manifestations of spinal cord compression are difficult to diagnose at an early phase, particularly in the youngest patients. Spinal cord compression (SCC) is the most frequent neurological complication of systemic cancer. One half of spinal fractures occur in the cervical vertebrae, one sixth in the thoracic vertebrae and one third in the lumbosacral vertebrae.5, Trauma is the most common cause of complete transection of the spinal cord. Southampton Variability of clinical and magnetic resonance imaging findings. TY - JOUR. Spinal epidural abscess: correlation between MRI findings and outcome. Wolf AL, It can also develop if a tumour puts pressure on the spinal cord. Hence, CT scanning is considered the imaging modality of choice to evaluate patients for spinal trauma and vertebral fractures.8 CT scanning is less sensitive to patient movement than MRI, and it can be used in patients with pacemakers, ferromagnetic vascular clips and other implanted devices. Surg Neurol. Yim JW, Diagnostic tests for the evaluation of back and neck pain. This injury is characterized by ipsilateral loss of motor function and proprioception, with contralateral loss of pain and temperature sensation.7. For the missing item, see the original print version of this publication. Rockville, Md. 1994;32(2):70-80. Prim Care. St. Louis: Mosby, 1998:2100–2. Spinal cord compression is a serious condition that needs to be treated right away. Wilberger JE. Rose-Innes AP, The spine is divided into four sections: the cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacrococcygeal vertebrae. With large herniations, the cauda equina also becomes involved. Jagoda A. 17. Posttraumatic spinal cord lesions without skeletal or discal and ligamentous abnormalities: the role of MR imaging. Bone scanning can be useful when plainfilm radiographs of the spine are normal but the clinical findings are suspicious for osteomyelitis, bony neoplasm or occult fracture. It is regarded as a medical emergency independent of its cause, and requires swift diagnosis and treatment to prevent long-term disability due to irreversible spinal cord injury. Rose-Innes AP, If the spinal roots below the conus medullaris are involved, it is termed cauda equina syndrome.. Papadopoulos SS, This site needs JavaScript to work properly. Spinal cord compression is a surgical emergency and if unrecognised or untreated, can result in irreversible neurological damage and disability. Spinal cord compression secondary to epidural metastatic tumor is an emergency clinical situation that requires prompt diagnosis and treatment if permanent neurologic damage is to be prevented. A person viewing it online may make one printout of the material and may use that printout only for his or her personal, non-commercial reference. Physicians must look for “red flags”—key historical and clinical clues that increase the likelihood of a serious underlying disorder. Along with superior vena cava compression syndrome, spinal cord compression numbers among the most common oncologic emergencies. Nussbaum ES, Definition. Spinal cord compression occurs approximately in 5-10% of newly diagnosed NBL patients, predominantly at the thoracic level [7]. 1986 Jan-Feb;12(1):9-12. possible emergency. Commonly Missed Diagnoses in the Childhood Eye Examination, Assessment and Treatment of Depression Following Myocardial Infarction. Thron A. Standiford H, Glick TH, Spinal cord syndromes. Surgery is indicated if the diagnosis is in doubt, a tissue diagnosis is required, the spine is unstable or neurologic deterioration is severe, rapid and progressive. 14. Spinal cord compression is caused by a condition that puts pressure on your spinal cord. Suggested approach to the initial assessment of the patient with acute low back pain. When is doubt, assume a spinal cord injury exists. Ditunno JF, Jr, Young W, Donovan WH, Creasey metastatic spinal CORD compression 18 EMERGENCY MEDICINE I january 2014 www.emed-journal.com G. American Spinal Surgery Association. Evaluation of the patient with spinal trauma and back pain: an evidence based approach. Previous: Commonly Missed Diagnoses in the Childhood Eye Examination, Next: Assessment and Treatment of Depression Following Myocardial Infarction, Home Pathology Etiology. Because the spinal cord is organized in a specific way, doctors can determine which part of the spinal cord is affected based on the symptoms and results of a physical examination. NIH There are many causes of acute myelopathy including multiple sclerosis, systemic disease, and acute spinal cord compression (SCC). Spinal cord compression constitutes a true emergency because the initial injury to the spinal cord will lead to permanent loss of … Doctors suspect spinal cord compression if you have weakness or loss of sensation only below a certain point on your body. The intervertebral disc is composed of the outer annulus fibrosus and the inner nucleus pulposus. Symptoms such as pain, numbness, or weakness in the arms, hands, legs, or feet can come on gradually or more suddenly, depending on the cause. Low back pain. Immediate Action . Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! Spinal cord compression can be caused by any condition that puts pressure on the spinal cord. 1. Neuroradiology. 1995;79:231–46. Spinal stenosis is usually a degenerative condition resulting from hypertrophy of the facet joints (osteoarthritis), hypertrophy of the ligamentum flavum and vertebral degeneration with bulging of the intervertebral disc. As a disc herniation becomes more central, more than one nerve root can be involved. It can occur as a first presentation of malignancy, or during treatment (representing disease progression or relapse). Kuker W, Acute spinal cord and cauda equina compression (SCC) has the potential to cause devastating neurologic impairment; therefore, timely and accurate diagnosis in the emergency department (ED) setting is paramount. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, 1994; AHCPR publication no. The cauda equina at the distal end of the spinal cord is a collection of nerve roots resembling a horse's tail, hence its name. The physician should also ask about the specific characteristics and severity of pain and whether the pain is present at night.6 It is also important to inquire about factors that exacerbate or relieve pain and other symptoms. 1997;15:699–711. 1999;23:1810–3. The manifestations of spinal cord compression are difficult to diagnose at an early phase, particularly in the youngest patients. Optimal management of malignant epidural spinal cord compression. The middle column is composed of the posterior longitudinal ligament, posterior body and posterior intervertebral disc. Acute low back problems in adults. Evaluation of the patient with spinal trauma and back pain: an evidence based approach. (1995). Deyo RA. Doctors will then do testing, such as: MRI. Symptoms are beli… Sources of funding: none reported. Spinal cord emergencies: false reassurance from reflexes. The criteria for ordering plain-film radiographs of the cervical spine are summarized in Table 5,5 and the recommended indications for CT scanning are summarized in Table 65 The initial evaluation of suspected injury to the cervical spine includes a cross-table lateral plain-film radiograph with the patient supine. It is an oncological emergency.1 2 MSCC is caused by compression of the dural sac and its contents (spinal cord or cauda equina) by an extradural or intradural mass,3 and it leads to irreversible neurological … Topper R, The anterior column of the spine includes the anterior longitudinal ligament, anterior portion of the vertebral body and anterior portion of the intervertebral disc. Referral of high-risk patients to a neurologist or spine specialist may be indicated. 95-0642. Wagner R, Depending on the cause of the compression, symptoms may develop suddenly or gradually, and they may require anything from supportive care to emergency surgery. Dugas AF, Lucas JM, Edlow JA. Spinal cord emergencies: false reassurance from reflexes. 6 Potentially Serious Spinal Disorders Requiring Emergency Medical Care #1. Spinal cord compression as a result of malignant disease is a medical emergency. Guidelines for initial management. AU - O'Phelan, Kristine H. PY - 2017/9/1. Nanassis K, Consistent with most spinal cord compression imaging protocols, MRI is generally superior to CT 8, 9. MRI is the diagnostic imaging technique of choice in patients with suspected spinal infection10 (Figure 3). Papadopoulos SM. Bigos SJ, et al. Robinson WL. The trauma may cause both a head injury and a spinal cord injury. Cervical myelopathy does not typically cause symptoms until the spinal cord is compressed by at least 30%. [ The physician should examine the entire spine for areas of redness, scars, blisters, lipomata, hairy patches, birthmarks and café-aulait spots. The most important information in the assessment of a possible spinal cord emergency comes from the history and the clinical evaluation. 12. Low back pain. The nucleus pulposus is composed of mucinous, colloidal gel (proteoglycans and collagen, with a high water content [70 to 80 percent fluid]). These can be divided according to the location of the compressing mass: Acute nontraumatic spinal epidural hematomas. The dura mater of the spinal cord is separated from the periosteum of the vertebrae by an epidural space. Emergency magnetic resonance imaging of cervical spinal cord injuries: clinical correlation and prognosis. Spinal cord compression develops when the spinal cord is compressed by bone fragments from a vertebral fracture, a tumor, abscess, ruptured intervertebral disc or other lesion. Chronic mild neurologic deficits involving a single nerve root may not necessarily be considered a red flag because these deficits are common in patients with degenerative pathologies such as disc herniation and lateral stenosis. Myelopathy is a severe condition because if spine cord compression is left untreated, it generally will result in worsening of the symptoms or severity over time. Metastatic spinal cord compression as an oncology emergency: getting our act together. Copyright © 2001 by the American Academy of Family Physicians. 1992;38:225–31. Athletic spinal cord and spine injuries. The laboratory evaluation may include a complete blood cell count with differential, an erythrocyte sedimentation rate and a urinalysis. Find out about treatments for pressure on the spinal cord (spinal cord compression). Chatzidakis EE, Facts about spinal cord compression Surgery is also indicated if decompression by radiation therapy is not expected to become effective in time to save a patient from severely disabling neurologic deficits.7. In one case series,14 30 percent of patients with epidural abscess were misdiagnosed on their initial visit to an emergency department. Athletic spinal cord and spine injuries. Acute low back problems in adults. Metastatic spinal cord compression. Patients with disc herniation usually present with the acute onset of low back pain that radiates into the buttocks and thighs and down one leg. Yim JW, Diagnostics should be performed immediately when the history and neurological examination suggest SCC. Rigamonti D, Low back pain. If the lateral projection is inadequate, a swimmer's projection, oblique projections or a CT scan is indicated. This is known as metastatic spinal cord compression. 1991 Feb;18(1):145-52. An MRI study that reveals a narrow spinal canal can confirm the diagnosis of spinal stenosis. Bueff HU, / Journals The posterior column includes the ligamentum flavum and the posterior elements (facet joints, pedicles, transverse processes, laminae and spinous processes). / 1996;23:345–64. Physicians who work in primary care settings and emergency departments frequently evaluate patients with neck and back pain. Identified by the Oncology Nursing Society as a structural oncologic emergency, SCC occurs 4. 1 Anterior (front) spinal cord compression tends to cause motor dysfunction, and posterior (back) spinal cord compression tends to cause sensory deficits. A smaller disc herniation is noted at C5-C6. Once the diagnosis is established, treatment is instituted with steroids, decompressive surgery and postoperative irradiation or external irradiation alone depending upon the emergent nature of the clinical situation. 95-0642. Fratzoglou MM, Workman TP, Diagnostic tests for the evaluation of back and neck pain. In an emergency situation, it should be assumed that the person has a spinal cord injury if they have had a traumatic accident. “Red Flags” Suggesting a Serious Underlying Pathology Possibly Requiring Imaging, Adapted from Bigos SJ, et al. Low back pain. Variability of clinical and magnetic resonance imaging findings. Many conditions can cause this opening to become narrow resulting in spinal nerve compression, also called a pinched spinal nerve. T1 - Emergency Neurologic Life Support. Neurological signs of spinal cord or cauda equina compression. Wilberger JE. Immediate, unlimited access to all AFP content. 2-4 The physician must first ... in spinal cord compression. Van der Reis W. Radiation therapy is the standard approach. Kourousis DD. The spine is composed of vertebrae and the spinal cord. Frankel HL, Hancock DO, Hyslop G, … Gouliamos AD, 4(August 15, 2001) Selden NR, Don't miss a single issue. 1998;11:346–9. Spinal cord compression happens when pressure on the spinal cord stops the nerves working normally. Rarely, back pain is caused by an epidural hematoma, resulting in a presentation similar to that of acute lumbar disc herniation.15 Patients with epidural hematoma usually have a history of recent spinal procedure or trauma. Early therapy will result in the best relief of symptoms and maintenance of the ability to walk. The two most common cancers to cause spinal cord compression are: Myeloma – neoplastic plasma cells proliferate within the marrow itself : U.S. Dept. After graduating from Rush Medical College of Rush University, Chicago, Dr. Sass completed a family practice residency at Brookdale University Hospital and Medical Center, Brooklyn, and a fellowship in general preventive medicine at Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York, N.Y. HASSAN ABUL-KHOUDOUD, M.D., is attending physician in the Family Practice Department at Pembina County Memorial Hospital and Wedgewood Manor, Cavalier, N.D. Dr. Abul-Khoudoud received his medical degree from the American University of Beirut Faculty of Medicine, Lebanon, and completed a family practice residency at SUNY Health Science Center at Brooklyn. Muscle weakness, if progressive, must be evaluated urgently. This material may not otherwise be downloaded, copied, printed, stored, transmitted or reproduced in any medium, whether now known or later invented, except as authorized in writing by the AAFP. d'Arcy HS, It sends send messages back and forth from the brain to muscles and soft tissues. Mull M, Spinal epidural abscess: a report of 40 cases and review. However, MRI can demonstrate accompanying soft tissue changes such as epidural hematomas and traumatic disc protrusions9,17 (Figure 4). 10. Range of motion, including flexion, extension, lateral rotation and lateral bending, should be assessed.7 In general, patients with disc disorders have pain with forward flexion, whereas patients with spinal stenosis have pain with extension of the lumbar spine. Wilkowski J. PMID: 3512893 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Spinal cord compression due to these paraspinal extramedullary hematopoietic elements is uncommon and is often managed with either surgery or radiation therapy. Metastatic spinal cord compression (MSCC) is a medical emergency which necessitates immediate assessment and treatment.. 2001 Aug 15;64(4):631-639. 1998;5:1041–3.... 2. 15. Contact Numaguchi Y, Physicians caring for patients with cancer must maintain a high index of suspicion for this problem. Laboratory tests are particularly useful when infection or malignancy is considered to be a possible cause of the spinal pathology. Topper R, An important differential diagnosis in spinal emergencies. Disc herniations in a 32-year-old man with neck pain and leg weakness. They may require anything from supportive care to emergency surgery. Spinal cord emergencies are uncommon, but injury must be recognized early so that the diagnosis can be quickly confirmed and treatment can be instituted to possibly prevent permanent loss of function. St. Louis: Mosby, 1998:2100–2. American Spinal Injury Association. This content is owned by the AAFP. Koch D, O'Phelan KH(1). Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. Suspect spinal cord compression if any of the following features are present: Neurological symptoms (including radicular pain, any limb weakness, difficulty in walking, sensory loss, or bladder or bowel dysfunction). Lower back pain. Sign up for the free AFP email table of contents. Generally, MRI has not been the modality of choice for the imaging of patients with acute spinal trauma. Do not move the person. Copyright © 2020 American Academy of Family Physicians. Spinal cord compression is an emergency. Alexiadou-Rudolf C, True hemisection of the spinal cord (Brown-Séquard syndrome) is rare and usually associated with penetrating trauma. In this situation, motor weakness is present in both lower extremities, and the bladder and bowel can be paralyzed. If pain is the presenting symptom, the physician must ask about the location, radiation and duration of the pain. Recognizing Spinal Cord Emergencies. Spine. National Center for Biotechnology Information, Unable to load your collection due to an error, Unable to load your delegates due to an error. Guidelines for initial management. Acute spinal cord compression (SCC) is a medical emergency that requires swift diagnosis and treatment to prevent irreversible spinal cord injury and long-term disability. Treatment for spinal cord compression should start as soon as possible, usually within 24 hours of diagnosis. Tung GA, Metastasis of prostate cancer to the cervical spine in a 61-year-old man with neck pain. Wagner R, The spinal cord is enveloped by three layers of meninges. If you suspect spinal cord compression, get … Author information: (1)Department of Neurology, University of Miami, Miami, FL, USA. However, a more aggressive approach is required when a patient has progressive neurologic deficits.2, Moderate to severe polyneuropathy (e.g., in diabetes, alcoholism, etc.) Information from Glick TH, Workman TP, Gaufberg SV. Chatzidakis EE, Philip L, Posner, J. The spinal cord is enveloped by three layers of meninges. SCC should be among the first potential causes considered given the significant permanent loss of neurologic function commonly associated with SCC. Spinal cord compression is a medical emergency that requires immediate treatment to avoid permanent damage. Spinal cord compression develops when the spinal cord is compressed by bone fragments from a vertebral fracture, a tumor, abscess, ruptured intervertebral disc or other lesion. Spinal cord injuries are critical emergencies that must be recognized and treated early to increase the possibility of preventing permanent loss of function.1 The history and clinical presentation can provide the most important information in the assessment of a possible emergency.2–4 The physician must first look for “red flags”—historical and clinical clues that may indicate the presence of a serious underlying disorder (Table 1).5 In determining the appropriate laboratory and imaging studies, the physician should follow the approach to low back pain given in an algorithm (Figure 1) prepared by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (formerly the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research).3. Sources of funding: none reported. USA.gov. Acute myelopathy in patients with cancer may also be caused by irradiation, paraneoplastic necrotizing myelitis, ruptured intervertebral disc and meningeal carcinomatosis with spinal cord involvement. Wipf JE, Selden NR, The causes of spinal cord compression include the following: Certain degenerative diseases, such as arthritis, can lead to spinal cord compression. This is a corrected version of the article that appeared in print. The most common cause of spinal cord compression in people with cancer is metastasis to the spine. Acad Emerg Med. Traumatic subluxation of the cervical spine in a 51-year-old man with quadriparesis following an automobile crash. Treatment can also control symptoms of compression. 13. 1998;53:26–8,33–6,39–40 passim. Most occur in the thoracic spine. Symptoms such as pain, numbness, or weakness in the arms, hands, legs, or feet can come on gradually or more suddenly, depending on the cause. Other symptoms include weakness (75 percent of patients) and autonomic or sensory symptoms (50 percent of patients). Pretreatment, high-dose corticosteroid therapy may be initiated to reduce cord edema and alleviate pain, and immediate consultation with a neurosurgeon and radiation oncologist is indicated. The straight-leg-raise test is sensitive but nonspecific for the identification of herniated discs.6. A CT scan is indicated H, Klug N. acute nontraumatic spinal epidural:... Terminates at the L1-L2 level must ask about the location, radiation duration... Act together to 5 of from CHEMISTRY CHEM3002 at Uni at increased risk of permanent damage to the cervical in., a delay in diagnosis may lead to permanent disability have a high false-positive rate.8 Diagnostic tests the! Result of malignant disease is a medical emergency and acute spinal trauma and back pain likelihood of a underlying., Adapted from Bigos SJ, et AL MRI = magnetic resonance imaging in spinal nerve compression also... 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