thoracic extension stretch

This is why we created Daily Tonic: Movement For Life – our 60-day whole-body mobility program. Virtually everyone could use more thoracic mobility and it’s nearly impossible to do too much mobility work. Add 360 breathing to this one and watch the magic happen. Continue until you pass your shoulder blades. But, If you fail the t-spine assessment then you should follow the mobility exercises in the videos and the program we created below. In fact, thoracic mobility issues are in the top 3 most common mobility problems, along with the hips and ankles. After a couple of weeks, it’s usually a good idea to perform the thoracic mobility assessment again. In this article, I will discuss what thoracic mobility is, how to assess thoracic mobility, and what thoracic mobility exercises you should be doing. It may take time to become proficient at them but they are the most important type of movement to focus on. This is especially apparent in sports with large rotational components like baseball and golf. The two are closely related and diaphragmatic breathing is linked with so much more. The half-kneeling position changes the postural demands of the hips and spine which allows for different muscle activation patterns to maintain balance. It is one of those thoracic spine stretches that require specialized equipment. Is It Possible for Adults to Have Growing Pains? We’re looking for extension at the T-spine, so make sure the ribs stay in line with the hips and avoid letting them flare out. These stretchesare generally safe, but it still makes sense to talk to your doctor before trying these, especially if you have serious spinal issues. Once you show that you can pass the assessment below we focus on strengthening the movement and maintaining it. Start with your arms in the "W" position and slowly turn them into "I" position. And there is more than one way to improve thoracic mobility. Some of these stretches can also help improve your posture, breathing, and digestion. Passive range of motion means nothing if you can’t teach yourself how to control it. The overhead component requires thoracic extension and the anti-rotation component forces you to stabilize. Taking deep breaths into your chest opens up the tensioned side even more! Repeat 2-3 times. You ready to get your shoulders smoked? The most important thing you can do is know where you are starting from. Try it with low to moderate weight and hold for time. Press your low back against the floor tightening your abdominals to keep your low back They have a profound effect on the thoracic and lumbar spine, especially when tight. Pause on the painful parts. Keep your chin close to your upper chest. A good way to help clients to combat a painful/stiff upper back is to make an appropriate home exercise programie the right stretching and strengthening routine. Give it a shot and don’t worry if you can’t get your arm all the way up. You can choose your own adventure by selecting exercises from the lists above and plugging them into the appropriate areas. Lie face-up on the floor with the foam roller beneath your thoracic spine. Activate the muscles of your upper back and shoulder to help improve your posture and maintain the thoracic extension you’re working hard to improve with the foam rolling and stretching. Just a few reps and you can feel a difference in your resting posture. Stretching and Strengthening of the thoracic extensor muscles can be achieved by following exercises: Cow -Cat stretch To perform: Begin in quadruped (hands and knees) with knees under hips and hands under shoulders. The overhead press becomes more challenging when you add band resistance pulling your arms forward. 1. Since we can measure perfectly then If it’s close it counts. Poor thoracic mobility may lead to pain in the neck, shoulder, lower back, and hip. Bridge pose is another one of effective thoracic spine stretches. Lack of thoracic extension is one of the most common mobility restrictions we see. To use the Peanut to improve your Thoracic Extension, you will place the Peanut in your mid-back while lying on your back on the ground with a ball of the peanut on each side of your spine. After 4 total weeks retest for a second time. For example, the occurrence of shoulder pain in people with a rounded t-spine (kyphosis) is similar to that of people with less kyphosis. With knees bent and feet flat on the floor, put your hands behind your head (supporting its weight) and bring the elbows together, protracting … It is great for movement prep. You may even notice problems in some everyday rotation tasks like reaching across your body to grab your seatbelt. Since this is tricky to measure without specific tools or video software you can eyeball it. You can also read more about the process we use to build mobility programs here. The segmental extension or segmental press up drill is a thoracic mobility exercise that forces you to focus on one spinal joint at a time. - 5 Exercises You Should Perform if You Sit All Day - #1 Thoracic Extension. The diaphragm should be the primary muscle involved during inhalation but many of us end up using muscles in the chest, neck, and spine instead. You wouldn’t need to waste your time focusing on thoracic extension. Make sure you feel the stretch in the targeted areas. We like to start most people off with soft tissue prep and simple stretching and lengthening drills. Take a belly breath (see 360 breathing) before each rep and engage your core to prevent your ribs from flaring. Sometimes learning how to control movement means going slow. Let the arm on the side that you are bending over slide down along your leg. If your t-spine isn’t mobile then your shoulder will attempt to make up for it, potentially leading to one of those embarrassing injuries that you hate to admit happened. Inhale slowly while curling your chest off the ground by using your back muscles. The good thing is that you can try several simple stretches to improve mobility and help relieve any pain. This should be enough to maintain your mobility without spending so much time focusing on it. The supine Y is an excellent upper-level mobility exercise for your thoracic spine and stability exercise for your shoulders. I’ve given you the framework to create your own excellent t-spine mobility program. Distribute your body weight evenly throughout the hand by spreading your fingers. Adequate thoracic extension enables the scapula to sit in the correct position and function correctly. GOOD FOR: Thoracic spine extension, strengthening the muscles in this region of the spine and vertebral disc hydration. Goal: Improve Thoracic Spine Extension Coaching Notes: Place the P-Knott in your mid back, cross your arms over your chest and extend over the P-Knott. But of course, I always include at least one activation drill. Thoracic mobility can affect how efficient your breathing mechanics are. It is connected to the torso by several muscles and dysfunction in one of them is enough to send the system into disarray. Similar to foam rolling the obliques this drill focuses on the abdominal wall muscles as well as commonly tight muscles in the low back, the Quadratus Lumborum (QL). Most of these require a deal of control and involvement from other areas of the body. You can add resistance to this one for an extra challenge. The standing thoracic kyphosis angle was significantly correlated with the end range thoracic extension angle in all positions (r = 0.63-0.79, P<.001). It is also extremely hard to do too much mobility work to the t-spine. You can easily combine this with the oblique release above. And in addition to extension it will also promote rotation. Below are a bunch of thoracic mobility exercises and an easy program template that will help you on your movement journey. Lift your hips toward the ceiling while pressing into your feet. Slowly, roll your back on the towel using your legs. They are big, strong, and flat muscles that provide a lot of pulling power. The nature of mobility exercises for this area tends to be gentle enough that doing a high volume won’t cause damage to the area. While pressing your shoulders into the ground, tuck them into your back to let your chest puff out a bit. Keep your abs tight and do ten reps each side. It touches on every area of your body to expose it to new ranges of motion and motor control. This true when performing a barbell overhead press. Place your hands on your hips with your feet about as wide as your shoulders. It is a great bang for your buck exercise that addresses numerous body regions with core engagement, thoracic spine extension, scapular muscle activation, shoulder mobility, and deep neck flexor muscle activation. When the t-spine is tight a common compensation during pressing is to lean back at the lumbar spine, this decreases core stability and leads to compression, pain, and injury. A simple side-lying exercise that helps to mobilizes one side of your thoracic spine at a time. Your email address will not be published. There is more than one way to skin a cat. Your thoracic spine is the middle portion of your back, you can think of it as your rib cage. “Passive range of motion means nothing if you can’t teach yourself how to control it.”. The thoracic spine, the stack of twelve vertebrae running from the bottom of our rib cage to the base of our neck, is one of the latter. The A-frame is another of my personal favorites because it incorporates shoulder stability and thoracic extension while forcing the posterior chain to lengthen. Hold each stretch for a minimum of 30-45 seconds. There was a … Firm up the muscles in your legs and have your feet hip-width apart with your toes pointing behind you. While thoracic mobility drills are important, it’s also important to enhance thoracic extension endurance. Approximately 15 degrees of thoracic spine extension is required for full overhead motion. Exhale into the stretch and emphasize getting the hip into extension to maximize the effects of The relationship between the shoulder blade and t-spine has been described earlier in this article. To perform a thoracic spine joint mobilization, lie on your back with your arms crossed in front of you. For the first week or two, I typically start people off with more gentle work and soft tissue prep. How to Deal with a Bone Spur on the Top of Your Foot, Best Cool Down Exercises to Prevent Injury. Memory usage: 2153.59KB. Your email address will not be published. With your back toward the wall, pull your arms backwards while maintaining contact with the wall. Allow your head to drop to the ground. Over the course of 60 days, you will learn exercises and drills to help maintain joint health and soft tissue elasticity. Place the towel on the floor and lie down on it. Keep your lower spine in contact with the barrel throughout the movement. Maintain the position for a few seconds and then lower your body down. As I’ve mentioned the two body regions are closely related. This is a game-changing mobility drill. Of course, you can keep doing them if you like. The key is to visualize each vertebra extending fully before the one below it starts to move. To understand the importance of thoracic mobility we must first touch on the term Kyphosis. Also, what if you are already mobile at your T-spine? Thoracic extension exercises such as Floor Angels and the Brugger Stretch can loosen off pectoral muscle fibres and reduce rounding of the shoulders. Because your arms are in different positions throughout the exercise it helps create stability for both the shoulders and T-spine. To perform this stretch, find a chair with a short back that comes up only as far as the bottoms of your shoulder blades. Take a deep breath. To create your own just pick exercises from the lists above and follow the simple instructions below. Start sitting down slowly and pull your head down. Lean the affected part of the thoracic spine against the back of the chair so that the chair supports the lower of the vertebrae to be mobilised. This is one of the most challenging activation exercises because it requires input from the ankles, knees, hips, T-spine, and shoulders. If it turns … Take a deep breath. Add weight for an increased challenge and or try it with a kettlebell. While putting your hands behind the head, slowly pull your elbows close together. Keep your hands in front of you with your lumbar spine and hips as stable as possible. Move your pelvis upward while inhaling. He loves sharing and is enthusiastic about helping anybody who wants to move better and train pain-free. 165 North Redwood Dr., Suite #120 San Rafael, CA 94903 415.499.0278 Beginning with the thoracic extension stretch, start off in a kneeling position. This results in thoracic mobility limitations. This will provide space to place the peanut. So, just because that’s how you sit doesn’t mean that’s the cause of pain. This position is still pretty simple for your brain to work with so it isn’t too challenging for most people. Do not try this one if you have been told you have unstable shoulder joints or you have dislocated your shoulder. The 3-way pull apart can be done anywhere with a band. You just need to select a few stretches and stick to them for some time to see results. Keep your face up while dipping the belly down. Research as shown that manipulation to the thoracic spine can be beneficial for neck and shoulder pain. After you see some improvements we typically start working in more activation and control exercises and fewer of the passive ones. Rotate your thoracic spin until your outer arm and upper back become parallel to the ground. With your hands clasped behind the neck, take a deep breath and sink onto the barrel while breathing out. Thoracic extension is closely related to shoulder flexion or overhead movements. Thoracic spine mobilising exercises Got the hump? It is a whole-body mobility stretch that hits a lot of the major mobility issues. Just like the lumbar locked rotation, I mentioned above this exercise is very common. Full 1-arm elevation requires approximately 9 degrees of thoracic extension. Use it as prep for your snatches and overhead squats. Keep your feet only a few inches away from your tailbone. The deep sit thoracic extension exercise is simple and effective in activating the spinal extensor muscles. These exercises are the next progression from the previous, more passive movements. Do not try this one if you have been told you have unstable shoulder joints or you have dislocated your shoulder. You now know that thoracic spine mobility is critically important for both preventing pain and improving performance. I recommend doing one to two more weeks of daily activation exercises but you can cut the more passive stretches and soft tissue prep. In the case of rotation movements and exercises, the thoracic spine and hips should rotate but if one or both is unable then the low back and shoulders will often have to pick up the slack. If you are not substantially better then there are other contributing factors that this article doesn’t address. So it only stands to reason that improving mobility at this crucial area of the spine can be helpful for a large group of orthopaedic complaints. This way we can see if we’re on the right track. Keep reading to learn how to maintain it. It should be able to rotate and extend enough to enable other areas of your body to move normally. You can use a light loop or a system like crossover symmetry to do this one. You may feel pressure in your low back; this is normal. This thoracic mobility assessment should always be your first step. It simply tries to bring every spinal segment through a full range of flexion and extension. Repeat the same on the other side of your body. Thoracic extension on foam roller or ball 16 33 34 Kneeling thoracic spine extension stretch 34 Thoracic flexion quadruped with and without roller 35 … But no matter what we always follow up with some form of active control exercise. How to do the Thoracic Spine Extension This exercise will help stretch out the chest and back muscles, relieve muscular tension and maintain thoracic mobility. Lie on your front with your legs straight. The lats connect the low and mid-back to the humerus (arm bone). The lift exercise forces you to stabilize against rotation while moving your arms overhead. Start by sitting in front of the barrel – ensure your lower back has something for support. Put the foam roller under your upper back / thoracic spine. Foam Roll Extension on Floor Lie on your back, knees bent with feet flat on the floor, with the foam roll placed horizontally under your upper back. Win-Win! This drill requires T-spine extension coupled with shoulder extension which can be a challenge if you aren’t accustomed to moving this way. Keep your left knee bent and right as straight as possible. For athletes with tight hip flexors and thoracic spine mobility limitations, then this is my go-to drill as we’ll work both at the same time. Seated thoracic extension over chair Sit on a chair with your fingers clasped behind your neck. Slowly lunge forward until you feel a light stretch on your front chest. This shoulder stability exercise is also a great t-spine mobility exercise. Last Updated 18 December, 2020. The goal is to rotate to 50 degrees or more. The tennis or lacrosse balls should rest on both sides of your spine. It is okay to life your hands up a bit to engage your back. The shoulder blade (scapula) moves in very intricate ways and in all planes of motion. Unilateral exercises: accessory programming part 5, Lateral movements: accessory programming part 4, Horizontal Pulling Movements – accessory programming part 3, Rotation exercises – crossfit accessory programming part 2, Set up your phone and take a video of yourself performing the test or, Soft tissue prep (switch it up often) – 30 to 60 seconds on each area, 1 to 2 thoracic mobility stretches – Spend no more than 1 min on each, 1 active thoracic mobility drill – 1 or 2 sets of 5 or more reps, Soft tissue prep (stick with what seemed to work) – 30 to 60 seconds on each area, 1-2 stretches –  Spend no more than 1 min on each, 2 activation exercises – 1 or 2 sets of 5 or more reps, 1 thoracic mobility stretch – Spend no more than 1 min, 2 or more active thoracic mobility drill – 1 or 2 sets of 5 or more reps. Neurophysiological rational aside, getting more range of motion through the thoracic spine … Continue reading As you exhale, walk your arms out and sink your head in between your arms so you get that curvature, that thoracic extension, according to … How Compensation Happens in the Neck Any time you move or ask your body to accomplish a task, your body will figure out a way to do it and it … This complex interplay is called regional interdependence. The angle shown in this photos is close to 55 degrees which exceeds the goal of 50 degrees. Thoracic Extension Exercise – Brugger Stretch Brugger Stretch – great for stretching out the pectoralis muscles and the … Ensure that 95% of the force comes from your back. This is more than a thoracic mobility stretch. If one region fails to do its job then it could affect other areas and have significant consequences. This will turn your right elbow toward the ground. Because of these factors, you should almost certainly dedicate some time to it. Squat down, reach up with one arm, and hold at the top for 3-5 seconds. Be sure to move your thoracic spine only. Exhale slowly while arching your back like a cat. Bring awareness to your upper back to help bring the backbend out of your lower back and more toward your upper and middle back. At Mission MVMT we love talking about breathing exercises and drills to help fix mobility issues from the inside out. While pressing your shoulders into the ground, tuck them into your back to … You lose power in your swing if all the necessary parts aren’t playing nice together. Much like rib rolls, the bowstring exercise is a side-lying drill for thoracic rotation. Bridge Pose. Thoracic Extension with Foam Roller. If you pass your thoracic mobility test you can move into maintenance mode. Nine dynamic exercises (Non functional exercises being: 'Thoracic extension on foam roller',33 34 or ball',16 'Kneeling thoracic spine extension stretch',34 Thoracic flexion quadruped with and without roller,35 36 Sidelying side37 38 Thoracic Extension This simple stretch can open the thoracic vertebrae, easing pressure on spinal discs and loosen up sore back muscles. Here are a few examples of how the thoracic spine affects other regions of the body. Each area can affect the other and vice versa. Although you can try a number of stretches to improve your thoracic spine mobility, the following are simple yet effective suggestions for you to try. Your pecs attach the anterior ribs to the humerus and the scapula. If you don’t also get the correct muscles working, you’ll keep compensating and things will continue to just tighten right back up no matter how much you stretch. The overhead squat is already a challenge for the whole body but adding the bands really ties in thoracic stability. This can lead to shoulder injuries like impingement and tendinitis. Here is one interesting video to help you learn more about how to perform different stretches of thoracic spine: Copyright WWW.NEWHEALTHADVISOR.ORG © 2020, All rights Reserved. It’s one of those “high bang for your buck” exercises. This is in contrast to areas like the shoulder where doing too much mobility work, especially banded joint mobilizations, can actually cause injury. Extend your arms in front of your with head touching the ground. This is a simple framework for you to play with to build thoracic mobility. Keep bending until you feel a light stretch on the side of your body. We may request cookies to be set on your device. This thoracic extension exercise is very different from most of the others that involve the arms. See how below. Your thoracic spine is the middle portion of your back, you can think of it as your rib cage. Thus you are training your T-spine and shoulder to work together overhead while in a non-threatening position. If you don’t pass the thoracic mobility assessment then you should continue with daily exercises but lean the focus more towards the activation and stability exercises. If they are tight the result is similar to tight lats- the limit overhead motion which may not allow the thoracic spine to extend normally. When you perform thoracic extension exercises, it’s very important to do them properly. The Cat-Cow stretch is another drill I like to work into a daily program. Be sure to talk to your doctor before trying any of the following stretches. The thoracic spine region refers to that upper part of your spine that is around the chest evel. The biggest difference with this one is that you start to incorporate your shoulder blade into the movement. Wrap your body around the balls like you would do with the foam roller. Moving from supported on the floor to suspended on all fours changes the postural needs of your spine. By rotating the spine then leaning to the side you are tensioning one side of the rin cage and slacking the other. Keep your lumbar spine stable and do 4-5  sit-ups. There are a couple of reasons why the thoracic spine tends to be less mobile than the cervical spine (neck) and lumbar spine (low back). In overhead pressing movements thoracic extension allows the shoulder blade to tip back, or posterior tilt. Breathing with your diaphragm is a great first step to improving your thoracic spine extension. Deepen the stretch by pressing into your hands. Place your hands on the exercise ball in front of you. For yet another variation you can try holding the band or cable and perform a row along with the thoracic rotation. If the shoulder blade can’t tip back it may also force the shoulder joint to compensate for the lost movement. But thoracic mobility is only part of the answer to life long function and performance. Thoracic spine extension is a crucial spinal movement that is required for shoulder, neck, and low back health as well as athletic performance. Kyphosis is a term to describe the forward rounding of the upper back. I like to do this one daily. After a set of five, move the balls up the spine and perform another set. You will need the barrel for this stretch. Bend to each side while moving your eyes to the side that you are bending. Current time: 12/18/2020 04:51:00 pm (America/New_York) The muscles of the abdominal wall are an often overlooked source of thoracic immobility. 6. Every area of your body has a specific role to play during movement. Inhale as you move your sit bones up towards the ceiling, arching the back and pressing the chest towards the floor as you lift th… This means that you can begin to taper down the frequency of your routine and focus more on activation exercises. Foam rolling can help to prep these tissues for both activation and elongation, depending on your needs. Perform 8 … For true function, your whole body must be both mobile and coordinated so it can move collectively in whatever task you ask of it. First, lie on your back with your feet flat on the ground and knees bent. Thoracic extension is the ability for the t-spine to move from its normally kyphotic or forward rounded position to a flat or event arched back position. Ian has been practicing as an Athletic Trainer for over 14 years. Thoracic extension is the ability for the t-spine to move from its normally kyphotic or forward rounded position to a flat or event arched back position. 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