Their values change frequently. The Fund aims to provide long-term growth of capital through broad exposure to the international equity market by closely matching key attributes of the MSCI EAFE Total Return Index ND - C$. {{$ctrl.fundCard.histPerfDate | date:'MMM d, yyyy'}}, Inception Date: Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Visit a Branch to talk to a Mutual Fund Representative Mutual Fund Representatives with TD Investment Services Inc. offer mutual funds at TD Canada Trust. The portfolio manager of record for the classes of TD Mutual Funds Corporate Class Ltd. is Dino Vevaina. Quantitative Fair Value Estimate represents Morningstar’s estimate of the per share dollar amount that a company’s equity is worth today. This site does not constitute an offer or solicitation to residents of the US or the UK or anyone in any other jurisdiction in which such an offer or solicitation is not authorized or to any person to whom it is unlawful to make such a solicitation. *TD Asset Management Inc. (TDAM) has closed the fund or series of the fund, denoted by an asterisk (*), to all purchases. Sun GIF Solutions Sun Life Dynamic Equity Income Sun Life Global Investments (Canada) Inc. 2.82 SI129 SI229 SI329 SI729 1.60 SI629 0.75 SI529 lowtomedium Sun GIF Solutions Sun Life MFS Canadian Equity Sun Life Global Investments (Canada) Inc. 2.64 SI141 SI241 SI341 SI741 1.57 SI641 0.55 SI541 medium Note: Fund performance is before fees but after expenses. Aditya Birla Sun Life International Equity Fund - Plan A 5802 4-5802 Aditya Birla Sun Life Mutual Fund The plan would exclusively invest in international stocks. In addition, TDAM will reduce the management fee for e-Series of the fund from 0.35% to 0.30%. {{fundcode.description}} - {{fundcode.code}}, MER is the total of the fund's management fee (which includes the trailing commission), operating costs and any other expenses. TD Emerald Pooled Fund Semi-Annual Report. All regions may not add up to 100% due to rounding. It will take some time to update our websites, materials and forms and until that is complete, all references to Sun Life Global Investments (Canada) Inc. … Aditya Birla Sun Life International Equity Fund Plan A (DR-A) NAV,AUM,Risk. Learn more. Keep a complete track of your fund … There can be no assurances that a money market fund will be able to maintain its net asset value per unit at a constant amount or that the full amount of your investment will be returned to you. The Plan's International Equity Fund – Index … As per SEBI re-categorization norms, these funds come under the Sectoral/Thematic category. In seeking to achieve this objective, the Fund tracks the performance The indicated rates of return (other than for each money market fund) are the historical annual compounded total returns for the period indicated including changes in unit value and reinvestment of distributions. PH&N Global Equity Segregated Fund ¶ (GSE) % PH&N Overseas Equity Segregated Fund ¶ (GSF) % TDAM International Equity Index Segregated Fund ¶ (G3M) % TDAM U.S. Market Index Segregated Fund ¶ (G3D) % Trimark Segregated Fund ¶ (GS1) % Total 100% ¶ indicates foreign content or if this information is not completed, Sun Life Assurance *Rates of return are time-weighted, reflecting income during the period but do not include any deduction for management fees. There can be no assurances that a money market fund will be able to maintain its net asset value per unit at a constant amount or that the full amount of your investment will be returned to you. Quantitative Fair Value Estimate represents Morningstar’s estimate of the per share dollar amount that a company’s equity is worth today. The NAV (Net Asset Value) of this sectoral / thematic - special situations equity as of 2020-11-11 is ₹ 16.5414. Actual fund performance could be expected to vary. The TFSA Please select your documents to download or email. Effective July 29, 2020, TD U.S. Equity Portfolio was renamed to TD U.S. Equity Pool. As of July 20, 2020, Sun Life Global Investments (Canada) Inc. changed its name to SLGI Asset Management Inc. MLI BR Intl Equity Index MSCI EAFE ($ Cdn) BlackRock CDN MSCI EAFE Equity Idx $10,672* $11,307 * For illustration purposes only. Also looking into converting my current TFSA mutual funds and RRSP at TD to e-series but I only have about 6k in that. For more information about the portfolio manager(s) of the underlying fund(s), please see the webpage or annual information form of the underlying fund(s).Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Existing unitholders may still hold or redeem their securities of the Capped Funds and/or back-end load options of impacted funds. The fees and expenses - including any commissions - can vary among series of a fund and among funds. Sun Life MFS Low Volatility International Equity Fund - Series T5 The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell Series T5 securities of the fund. See less documents and forms. Rendez-vous sur pour accéder à votre page d'ouverture de session, ou réessayez plus tard. {{$ctrl.fundCard.fundData.merDate}}, {{$ctrl.fundCard.fundData.portfolioAdvisor}}, {{$ctrl.fundCard.fundData.minimumInvestment}}, {{$ctrl.fundCard.fundData.earlyRedemptionFee}}, Performance as of The indicated rates of return do not take into account sales, redemption, distribution or optional charges or income taxes payable by any unit holder that would have reduced returns. Includes mutual/pooled fund performance as indicated. Hi my employer uses sunlife for their pension %2.5 from weekly pay, employer puts in %6, and also offers TFSA and RRSPs with low low fees. Year To Date - performance based on most recent month-end data. *TD Asset Management Inc. (TDAM) has closed the fund or series of the fund, denoted by an asterisk (*), to all purchases. Aditya Birla Sun Life International Equity Fund Plan A Direct - Dividend Payout is a Equity mutual fund scheme from Aditya Birla Sun Life Mutual Fund.This scheme was launched on 01 Jan 2013 and is currently managed by its fund manager Vineet Maloo.It has an AUM of ₹90.05 Crores and the latest NAV decalared is ₹26.464 as on 14 Oct 2020 at 6:13 am. The aim of the plan is to create a portfolio that is diversified geographically, to take benefit of low correlation between various countries, and to create a portfolio of high quality - high grow. Mutual funds are not covered by the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation or by any other government deposit insurer and are not guaranteed or insured. Canadian Equity Effective on or about November 1, 2019, the Deferred Sales Charge (Back-load) (DSC), low-load (LSC) and low-load-2 (LSC2) purchase options of Advisor Series, T5 Series and T8 Series securities of TD Mutual Funds and TD Managed Assets Program portfolios will be closed to all purchases by investors, including purchases made through Pre-Authorized Contribution Plans. TDAM International Equity Index Segregated Fund (X41) TDAM U.S. Market Index Segregated Fund (X40) Will appreciate any thoughts on strategies for balancing this portfolio through Sunlife! This figure represents the fund's total asset base, net of fees and expenses. Please read the fund facts and prospectus, which contains detailed investment information, before investing. For more information, please refer to the applicable Fund Facts document.Effective on or about November 1, 2019, the Deferred Sales Charge (Back-load) (DSC), low-load (LSC) and low-load-2 (LSC2) purchase options of Advisor Series, T5 Series and T8 Series securities of TD Mutual Funds and TD Managed Assets Program portfolios will be closed to all purchases by investors, including purchases made through Pre-Authorized Contribution Plans. Printed on {{$ctrl.fundCard.currentDate}}. The Fund’s net asset value or “NAV” is determined by calculating the aggregate of the value of the Fund’s assets less its liabilities on a particular date. Aditya Birla Sun Life International Equity Fund - Plan A: Get complete details of Aditya Birla Sun Life International Equity Fund - Plan A performance, latest NAV, fund management, dividends, portfolio and download absl international equity fund forms online to invest today! Select the documents you want and how you would like to receive them. Past performance may not be repeated. Indexed International Equity Fund (TDAM) Fund facts as at Sept. 30, 2012 Fund code: S081 Asset class: Foreign equity Asset category: International Equity Fund inception date: October 1997 Segregated fund size: $2.2 million Underlying fund: TD Emerald International Equity Index Fund Underlying fund size: $2491.4 million Volatility meter Low {{$ctrl.fundCard.histInceptionDate | date:'MMM d, yyyy'}}, {{$ctrl.fundCard.fundData.formattedNav}}%, {{$ctrl.fundCard.fundData.minimumSubsequentInves}}, {{historicalvalue.value | formatNumber:$ctrl.lang}}, {{calendarvalue.value | formatNumber:$ctrl.lang}}, {{assetmixData.value | formatNumber:$ctrl.lang}}%, {{geographicmixData.value | formatNumber:$ctrl.lang}}%, {{sectormixData.value | formatNumber:$ctrl.lang}}%. Unitholders that currently hold units of the fund or series of the fund may continue to do so but cannot purchase any additional units. Below are the funds that we can invest in: *Trimark Fund C *CC&L NS International Equity *B.G. The following is a brief description of each manager and a link to their web site. Past performance may not be repeated. Schemes like Franklin US Opportunities Fund, Axis Global Equity Alpha Fund of Fund, PGIM India Global Equity Opportunities Fund, Motilal Oswal S&P 500 Index Fund and ICICI Prudential US Bluechip Equity Fund have seen huge inflows from investors via both the lumpsum and SIP routes. Each class invests in one or more underlying mutual funds, as noted in the TD Mutual Funds Simplified Prospectus. The investment objective of the Fund is to provide long-term growth of capital primarily by purchasing international equity securities to track the performance of the MSCI EAFE Total Return Index, net of dividend withholding taxes. I have my company sponsored NREG, DCPP and RRSP accounts with Sunlife, investing in the target date funds. BG Canadian Equity Segregated Fund: Canadian Equity: 17.6 MB Cdn Equity Growth Segregated Fund: Canadian Equity: 22.4 TDAM Cdn Equity Index Segregated Fund: Canadian Equity: 24.5 BG American Equity Segregated Fund: U.S. Equity-4.9 MB American Equity Segregated Fund: U.S. Equity-2.7 TDAM US Market Index Segregated Fund: U.S. Equity-5.0 Because this is a new fund, the risk rating is only an estimate by SLGI Asset Management Inc. Generally, the rating is based on how much the fund's returns have changed from year to year. ... Affiliates of TD Asset Management Inc. (“TDAM”) may earn fees and spreads in connection with various services provided to, or transactions with, the Fund, such as in connection with banking, custody, brokerage and derivatives transactions. Talk to your Advisor or find a TD Advisor. Does this look good? For more information, please refer to the applicable Fund Facts document. Effective July 29, 2020, TD U.S. Equity Portfolio was renamed to TD U.S. Equity Pool.TD Mutual Funds are qualified for sale in the provinces and territories of Canada. Their values change frequently. See more documents and forms Aditya Birla Sun Life International Equity Fund - Plan B: Get complete details of Aditya Birla Sun Life International Equity Fund - Plan B performance, latest NAV, fund management, dividends, portfolio and download absl international equity fund forms online to invest today! The indicated rates of return for each money market fund is an annualized historical yield based on the seven-day period ended as indicated and annualized in the case of effective yield by compounding the seven day return and does not represent an actual one year return. All sectors may not add up to 100% due to rounding. TD Greystone Asset Management was founded in 1988. The Fund invests primarily in equity and equity-related securities of entities outside of Canada and the United States. Keep a complete track of your fund … Try now. {{$ctrl.count}} Documents ready to download or email. TD Mutual Funds are qualified for sale in the provinces and territories of Canada. TDAM Cdn Bond Index Fund (50% -MER 0.75) TDAM Cdn Equity Index Fnd (25% -MER 0.76) TDAM US Mkt Index (Reg) (25% -MER 0.76) Avoiding the Intl Equity Index Fd because MER 0.99. For more information about the portfolio manager(s) of the underlying fund(s), please see the webpage or annual information form of the underlying fund(s). The indicated rates of return (other than for each money market fund) are the historical annual compounded total returns for the period indicated including changes in unit value and reinvestment of distributions. The indicated rates of return for each money market fund is an annualized historical yield based on the seven-day period ended as indicated and annualized in the case of effective yield by compounding the seven day return and does not represent an actual one year return. Existing unitholders may also switch into a different fund of the same deferred sales charge option. *Performance as of November 30, 2020. The amount invested in any one country will vary depending upon individual company by company opportunities in each area. Effective November 7, 2019, the fund's benchmark index will change as described below under "What does the fund invest in?". Unitholders that currently hold units of the fund or series of the fund may continue to do so but cannot purchase any additional units. I realize this is probably a shot in the dark, but I was wondering if anyone is currently using a Sun-Life group RRSP plan and has any advice for building the best portfolio, or one that at least resembles a CCP investment strategy. The Aditya Birla Sun Life International Equity Fund Plan A (DR-A) fund was launched on Oct 31, 2007. The Fund employs full replication techniques to seek to replicate the characteristics and returns of the benchmark, net of dividend withholding taxes. Please read the fund facts and prospectus, which contains detailed investment information, before investing. Existing unitholders may still hold or redeem their securities of the Capped Funds and/or back-end load options of impacted funds. Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada and Morningstar, together, are pleased to provide you this information on the investments available in your plan. This site does not constitute an offer or solicitation to residents of the US or the UK or anyone in any other jurisdiction in which such an offer or solicitation is not authorized or to any person to whom it is unlawful to make such a solicitation.The portfolio manager of record for the classes of TD Mutual Funds Corporate Class Ltd. is Dino Vevaina. as of {{$ctrl.fundCard.fundData.navPriceDate | date:'MMM d, yyyy'}}, as of {{$ctrl.fundCard.fundData.merDate}}, Growth of 10k Chart : Line Graph displaying the Growth of $10k, Performance as of {{$ctrl.fundCard.histPerfDate | date:'MMM d, yyyy'}}, Inception Date: {{$ctrl.fundCard.histInceptionDate | date:'MMM d, yyyy'}}, {{item.value | formatNumber:$ctrl.lang}}%, as of Each class invests in one or more underlying mutual funds, as noted in the TD Mutual Funds Simplified Prospectus. Aditya Birla Sun Life International Equity Fund - Plan B 5804 4-5804 Aditya Birla Sun Life Mutual Fund An Open-ended diversified equity scheme with an objective to generate long-term growth of capital, by investing predominantly in a diversified portfolio of equity and equity related securities in the domestic and international markets. {{$ctrl.fundCard.fundData.navPriceDate | date:'MMM d, yyyy'}}, as of Our easy-to-use graphing tool helps you compare the performance of TD funds and solutions. Sun FlexiDollar1 is a dollar-denominated investment-linked life insurance plan that provides financial security as well as flexibility to choose from available investment options. The number of files you can download or email may be limited. The investment objective of TD International Index Fund (the “Fund”) is to seek to track the performance of an international equity markets index that measures the investment return of mid- and large-capitalization issuers in the European, Asian and Far East regions. TD Emerald International Equity Index Fund 1. Go to to access your sign in page or try again later. *TD Asset Management Inc. (TDAM) has closed the fund or series of the fund, denoted by an asterisk (*), to all purchases. Unitholders that currently hold units of the fund or series of the fund may continue to do so but cannot purchase any additional units. Mutual funds are not covered by the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation or by any other government deposit insurer and are not guaranteed or insured. If you can't find your sign in page, go to for more options. For more information, please refer to the applicable Fund Facts document. This website is intended for Canadian residents and/or clients of TDAM. With the convenience of paying one-time and an option to even add more to what you have initially saved, Sun FlexiDollar1 allows you to secure and build funds for a comfortable retirement. About the Fund Managers (International Equity Fund) The International Equity Fund – Active Portfolio is managed by four investment managers. Learn about POVSX with our data and independent analysis including NAV, star rating, asset allocation, capital gains, and dividends. The Fund’s market price is determined by using the midpoint between the highest bid and the lowest offer on the primary stock exchange on which units of the Fund … We are an investment management firm, investing more than $30 billion on behalf of pension funds, endowment funds, nonprofit organizations, universities, unions and corporations across Canada. A mutual fund which predominantly invests (greater than 80% of its assets) in foreign countries’ equity or equity related instruments is classified as an International Equity Fund. Existing unitholders may also switch into a different fund of the same deferred sales charge option.Effective July 29, 2020, the TD International Growth Class was renamed to TD International Stock Class. {{item.profileName}}, {{item.credentials}}. Sun Life MFS Low Volatility International Equity Fund - Series F Risk rating SLGI Asset Management Inc. has rated the volatility of this fund as Medium. The indicated rates of return do not take into account sales, redemption, distribution or optional charges or income taxes payable by any unit holder that would have reduced returns. I just realized that sunlife is charging some expense fee (in-kind) monthly from my account. Effective July 29, 2020, the TD International Growth Class was renamed to TD International Stock Class. 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