The evolutionary stability of mutualism in the light of potential conflicts of interests between the partners still remains incompletely understood. These results suggest that the enhanced rate of honeydew-excretion behavior under ant attendance led to changes in the aphid's physiological status. Likewise VANTAUX & al. This is the first indication that there is a cost for aphids associated with ant attendance. The theoretical results are supported with numerical simulations. In the EcoStack project, the sustainable crop production needs will be assessed using an interactive forum of actor groups and stakeholders to achieve sustainable productivity gains. All three psyllid species had low parasitization rates. Variety mixtures can increase yield stability and suppress insect pests, whilst companion cropping, the planting of crops in proximity (undersowing, intercropping, trap cropping) can improve pollination and pest control, provide habitat for farmland biodiversity and maximize use of space to increase sustainable crop productivity. The effects were additive on a log scale, and ant attendance had a greater proportional influence than exposure to alarm pheromone. In fact, honey ants will go to unusual lengths to ensure the health of the aphids in their care.. This chapter imagines a conversation between these seemingly divergent fields and considers the theoretical and methodological challenges that ANT and particular branches of feminist thought raise for the other. Breton and Addicott showed the presence of density‐dependent mutualism in aphid‐ant interactions under natural conditions; whereby higher rates of colony growth of the ant‐attended aphid Aphis varians Patch were recorded in small colonies compared to large colonies. A chemical basis for discrimination between attended and unattended aphid mutualists by the ant Lasius niger (L.) (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) was investigated. Although hyperparasitism of species in the first group tends to reach high levels, its overall impact on aphid-aphidiid population dynamics is probably limited by the low average fecundity of most hyperparasitoids. We propose that a wasp's reproductive strategy, as opposed to hyperparasitism, is the dominant factor in aphidiid population dynamics. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess the effects of the presence of ant-aphid interactions upon host plant productivity and seed viability in two different contexts: isolated and within an arthropod community. Electronic supplementary material Abstract ▪ Abstract Aphids and ants are two abundant and highly successful insect groups, which often live in the same habitat and therefore are likely to interact with one another. To partially address this problem, we assessed whether the interaction between the two invasive species S. invicta and Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley mediated predation of P. solenopsis by Propylaea japonica Thunbery lady beetles using field investigations and indoor experiments. Ant attendance was clearly beneficial to the aphid; the exclusion of ants led to a significant increase in the extinction rate of aphid colonies. The honeydew composition and production of four aphid species feeding on Tanacetum vulgare, and mutualistic relationships with the ant Lasius niger were studied. Regulation of aphid populations by aphidiid wasps: does parasitoid foraging behaviour or hyperparasitism limit impact? I compare this cost to published values for other fig/pollinator mutualisms and for other kinds of pollinating seed parasite mutualisms, notably the yucca/yucca moth interaction. This includes an appreciation of the spatial, temporal, and taxonomic context in which mutualistic interactions developed. As a result, the number of emerging L. japonicus adults did not differ significantly between aphid colonies attended by the two ant species, but significantly more hyperparasitoids emerged in colonies attended by the relatively less aggressive P. pungens than in colonies attended by L. niger. We found good evidence for environmental acquisition, in agreement with other recent studies. Previous work showed that when attended by the ant Formica yessensis Forel (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), nymphs of the aphid Tuberculatus quercicola (Matsumura) (Homoptera: Aphididae) developed into significantly smaller adults with lower fecundity than did nymphs that were not ant attended. An increasing focus of studies on the evolution of sex concerns cyclical parthenogens and aphids in particular, which conveniently show coexistence of sexual and asexual reproductive modes. The ability of host species to interact directly via competition and indirectly through shared parasites suggests that host traits related to competition and parasitism are likely important in structuring communities and disease dynamics. ant – aphid mutualism, a confl icting ant – parasitoid mutual-ism has been discovered (Vö lkl 1992, Kaneko 2003, Mondor et al. concept of an evolutionarily stable strategy in the context of the Prisoner's Dilemma game. Therefore, one might expect terrestrial organisms like aphids to show a facultative change in their development in response to the presence of predators and other results have confirmed this. include specific aspects of territoriality, mating, and disease. In an olfactometer, ants spent significantly longer in the arm containing the odour of live aphids that had been attended by the ants than in arms containing the odour of unattended aphids. Ant-aphid interactions may affect host plants in several ways, however, most studies measure only the amount of fruit and seed produced, and do not test seed viability. The qualitative and quantitative honeydew production of the aphid species corresponded well with This implies that aphids do not always benefit from the presence of ants, but under some conditions rather pay a cost in the form of reduced dispersal. This protection may have been an important feature in the evolution of the association between lycaenid larvae and ants. Aphids or Their Parasitoids: Who Actually Benefits from Ant-Attendance? problems of knowing how to measure the magnitude of any one cost accurately; problems associated with using average estimates in the absence of data on sources of variation; complications arising from the complex correlates of costs, such as functional linkages between costs and benefits; and problems that arise from considering the cost of mutualism as a unilateral issue in what is fundamentally a reciprocal interaction. You can request the full-text of this article directly from the authors on ResearchGate. While it appears the ants are generous caretakers of aphids, ants are more concerned about maintaining their steady honeydew source than anything else. Aphids are the most damaging pests in organic cereal production in S, The overall objective of EcoStack is to develop and support ecologically, economically and socially sustainable crop production via stacking and protection of functional biodiversity in our croppin, We will investigate how cropping systems based on designed ecological interventions such as mulches or species/variety mixtures have several advantages, including higher yield quality and stability, For the use of Fuel Cells in transportation, one of the key points is to reduce Pt loading in Pt/C catalytic electrode. So find and get rid of the ant nest. Here, we studied reproductive mode and dispersal in a community of root aphids that are obligately associated with the ant Lasius flavus. Aphids are also known as plant lice, they are very small sap-sucking insects that collect the sugar-rich fluids from host plants. Ants, however, do not look favorably upon losing their food source. -P.J.Jarvis. As a consequence, the ant-aphid mutualism was successfully disrupted. Frequently, these systems function as networks, with the focal species interacting with additional species, highlighting a promising new take on classic mutualisms. Ants prey on predators of aphids such as ladybird beetles (coccinellids), thus defending the aphids. Mutualism is defined as 'an interaction between species that is beneficial to both', and the problems of identifying 'benefits' are noted. g systems. In exchange, the ants protect the aphids from predators and parasites. Transgenerational effects, where offspring phenotypes are adjusted based on maternal influences, could be important in the mutualistic interaction between aphids and ants, in particular because aphids have telescoping generations where two offspring generations can be present in a mature aphid. I then discuss four issues that fundamentally complicate comparative studies of the cost of mutualism: problems of knowing how to measure the magnitude of any one cost accurately; problems associated with using average estimates in the absence of data on sources of variation; complications arising from the complex correlates of costs, such as functional linkages between costs and benefits; and problems that arise from considering the cost of mutualism as a unilateral issue in what is fundamentally a reciprocal interaction. (2011a) found a population of Aphis fabae tended by Lasius niger to be highly structured, although genetic differentiation between the aphid subcolonies was not statistically affected by ant-attendance. This article is protected by copyright. The relationship between homopterans and ants is generally thought to be mutualistic, as both partners seem to benefit from an association. Cornfield ants carry the newly hatched aphids to the field and deposit them on the temporary host smartweed plants so they can begin feeding. The percentage of C. septempunctata adults remaining on the plant in the ant-present treatments was significantly lower than in ant-excluded treatments, while there was no significant difference in the proportion of P. japonica adults between the two treatments. Foraging Trioxys angelicae females were heavily attacked by honeydew-collecting ants. aggressive mimicry | aphids | ants | mutualism | polyphenism A major challenge in evolutionary biology is to understand the factors governing the evolutionary transitions between in-terspecific exploitation and cooperation. This paper tested two theories that have been put forward to explain how attine ants establish mutualism with actinomycete symbionts: environmental acquisition, Feminist methodologies and Actor-Network Theory (ANT) have often been considered opposing theoretical and intellectual traditions. This condition could decrease the population density of lady beetles and further facilitate the reproduction and dispersal of P. solenopsis. versus co-evolution. This study tested the hypothesis that this cost of ant attendance arises through changes in the quality and quantity of honeydew. Ant-attendance provided a considerable protection for Aphis fabae against Trioxys angelicae, but did not prevent a high parasitization success of Lysiphlebus cardui. Ants that interact with aphids are frequently generalists. (2) Do ants exert an indirect defense that is effective against the attack of herbivorous insects? The section concludes with a key to the 23 species of polyphagous aphids which are found on various tree genera. The impacts of two species of ants (Lasius niger and Pristomyrmex pungens) attending the cotton aphid (Aphis gossypii) on the number of emerging adults of the aphid's primary parasitoid (Lysiphlebus japonicus) and hyperparasitoids were assessed experimentally at a no-pesticide mandarin grove. Field experiments were carried out on two host plants: hoary cress Lepidium draba (Brassicaceae) and Canadian teasel Cirsium arvense (Asteraceae). 1. and enhance biological control by natural enemies. Trioxys angelicae, which was restricted to unattended aphids, suffered from a high rate of hyperparasitization. Large-sized C. septempunctata adults preyed on more aphids and were more frequently attacked by the ants than another species and developmental stage. Results from the present study are consistent with previous findings suggesting that patterns of density-dependent benefit for homopterans are a function of the recruitment response of ants. This chapter examines an empirical project that calls, I used a host-visitor modeling framework to examine the interaction between the treehopper Publilia concava and ants in the genus Formica. 2. Specifically, those host traits affecting competition and those mediating parasitism are often correlated either because of trade‐offs (in resource acquisition or resource allocation) or condition‐dependence; yet the consequences of these trait relationships for community and epidemiological dynamics are poorly understood. Starting the Colony. for an engagement with both ANT and feminist methodologies. Plants use different defense strategies throughout their ontogenetic development. The combined effects of aphid alarm pheromone, indicating predation risk, and ant attendance on the production of winged aphids were examined in an experiment with Aphis fabae (Homoptera: Aphididae) (Scopoli 1763) aphids and Lasius niger (Formicidae: Formicinae) (Linné, 1758) ants.4. 1In defensive mutualistic associations, reduced risk of predation should permit defended organisms to produce phenotypes with higher offspring production than non-mutualistic, unprotected conspecifics which require costly defensive traits.2Here, we show that cotton aphids, Aphis gossypii, which produce any combination of dwarf apterae (low intrinsic rate of increase), light green apterae (medium intrinsic rate of increase), dark green apterae (high intrinsic rate of increase) and alatae (winged dispersal morphs), alter offspring phenotypes when tended by predatory ants.3Aphids tended by the Argentine ant, Linepithema humile, have similar numbers of dwarf, dark green and alate offspring, but greater numbers of light green offspring, compared to untended colonies.4Because light green morphs have a higher intrinsic rate of increase than dwarf morphs but a decreased risk of parasitism compared to dark green morphs, increased production of the light green phenotype may optimize offspring production in order to maximize clone fitness.5Since many organisms have high levels of plasticity and mutualistic interactions are ubiquitous, mutualist-induced polyphenisms may be pervasive. 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