google sheets filter function

*Note that the source range and the single column range for the condition, must be the same size (must contain the same number of rows), or the cell will display an error that says "filter has mismatched range sizes". Gets the filter criteria on the specified column, or null if no filter criteria is set. The table contains 20 rows with various types of data which is perfect to learn the function. The Google Sheets Filter function will take your dataset and return (i.e. You may often find situations where you need to filter from another sheet in Google Sheets, where your raw unfiltered data is on one tab, and your filter formula / filter output is on another tab. The format of a formula that uses the QUERY function is =QUERY(data, query, headers). The filter function is unique to Google Spread sheets, without this function extracting a duplicate records from a data table will be a very big arrayformula. This needs to be of the same size as that of the range 3. Depending on your criteria, you may need to embed DAY, MONTH, YEAR, or even DATE and TIME in the main Google Sheets FILTER function. Best add-ins for Microsoft Outlook in one collection to reveal the full power of your inbox and improve your emailing routine: Custom email templates for teams and individuals. If the only way you know of creating a filter in Google Sheets is the standard tool, I have a surprise for you. In Google Sheets it's trivial: I'm moving to Excel due to some shortcomings with Sheets that I can't get around, and can't figure out how to duplicate this functionality. In this tutorial, you'll learn to apply a Google Sheets filter to limit the data you're seeing. Using an Add-on to Filter By Color in Google Sheets But if you want to learn how to filter horizontally, check out the article that is linked below. Functions can be used to create formulas that manipulate data and calculate strings and numbers. When posting a question, please be very clear and concise. In order to filter both rows and columns, use the return value of one FILTER function as range in another. Click here to read more about me and Spreadsheet Class. The task: Show a list of customers who are past due on their payments, The logic: Filter the range A3:B, where B3:B equals the text, “Late”. Table of contents: Filter, equal; Filter, not equal I'm going to show you all the examples while filtering a small table where I track some orders: I ‘ve learned a lot about this function but it still gives me new insights. In this example let's say that we have a report/spreadsheet that shows data from sales calls that occur at your company, and we want to filter the data so that a specified sales rep (Bob) is NOT included in the filter output. In the video below (or the article linked below), I will show you how to use the FILTER function with the SORT function, as individual functions, and in a single formula! The Google Sheets Filter function can easily do all of these, and more, with a … The range that is used to check against the criteria that you set, must be a single column (later I will show you how to filter by multiple conditions, but don’t worry about that for now). If you're interested in a particular month or a year only, you can get by with MONTH and YEAR functions. Syntax of the Google Sheets FILTER function. You can repeat this with all the aforementioned formulas. if (d.getElementById(id)) return; Then add another HOUR function to set the time itself. When you filter by a cell value in Google Sheets, your sheet will be setup so that you can change the value in the cell at any time, which will automatically update the value that the filter criteria it attached to. just rows corresponding to Customer A). This article focuses on filtering vertically, which is the most common way of using the FILTER function in Google Sheets. However when the tab name has a space in it, it is necessary to use an apostrophe before and after the tab name, like 'Tab Name'!A3:B. Here are 5 main advantages of the tool over the Google Sheets FILTER function: I truly encourage you to install Multiple VLOOKUP Matches and give it a go. For instance, to get only days with a timestamp after 2:00 PM, the formula will be: However, when it comes to using the HOUR function (as with MONTH for dates), the game changes a bit. Google Sheets function list. This will make sure that customers with an inactive membership who are still designated as being late on payment in the system… are not shown in the filter results, and not put on the list for being sent a "late payment" notice. The SEARCH function will do just fine for my example since the text case is irrelevant: After collecting all these parts together, I get the desired result: Filtering by date and time also requires using additional functions. Here are the orders that were received on and after 1 January 2020: Of course, you can easily substitute DATE with MONTH or YEAR here. Scroll to the very bottom to find the answers to the quiz. I love teaching what I know to others so that they can amplify their spreadsheet knowledge, gain value in the professional world, and learn how to build any type of spreadsheet that they need for their business. The task: Filter the list of employees on the tab labeled "Filter List", and show a list of employees who have a full time schedule, on a separate tab, The logic: Filter the range 'Filter List'!A3:B, where the range 'Filter List'!B3:B is equal to the text "Full Time", The formula: The formula below, is entered in the blue cell (A3), for this example, =FILTER('Filter List'!A3:B,'Filter List'!B3:B="Full Time"), Here is a list of employees and their schedules, which is held on a tab labeled "Filter List", And here is a filtered list of employees who have full time schedules, where the filter formula and output data are held on a separate tab. In this example, we are going to filter a set of data, and only display rows where BOTH the first condition AND the second condition are met/true. Which of the following formulas uses OR logic, where EITHER condition can be met to satisfy the filter criteria? VLOOKUP in Excel - which formula is the fastest? The Syntax of Filter function is as follows Syntax of the Google Sheets FILTER function, How to use FILTER function in Google Sheets, How to filter by date and time in Google Sheets, How to filter in Google Sheets using cell references, Google Sheets FILTER formulas with multiple criteria, Add filter to Google Sheets to multiple columns, Formula-free way for advanced Google Sheets filter — Multiple VLOOKUP Matches, Filter by condition in Google Sheets and work with filters in shared documents, Advanced search and quick replacements in Google Sheets, Google Sheets QUERY function: a spreadsheet cure-all you have yet to discover, Useful Google Sheets functions that don't exist in Excel, Google Sheets formulas for 12 most useful Google Sheets functions. I will show you how to filter by a number, a cell value, a text string, a date… and I will also show you how to use varying "operators" (Less than, Equal to, etc…) in the filter condition. Unable to open Outlook window" error, Outlook Quick Parts and AutoText: how to create, edit and use, Merge data from duplicate rows based on a unique column, How to compare data in two Google sheets or columns. There are plenty of ready-made formulas you can borrow, along with a new powerful tool that complements the filtering toolset immensely. Let's get back to our original table and prepare to filter its rows and columns. Let's say that you have a list of employees and their schedule type (Full Time / Part Time) on one tab, and that you want to display a filtered list of full time employees on another tab. In this scenario we want to filter a list that shows customers, their payment status, and their membership status… and to show only customers who have an active membership AND who are also late on their payment. We cannot guarantee that we will answer every question, but we'll do our best :), 60+ professional tools for Microsoft Excel. Copyright © 2020 Silver Sky, LLC. For example, avoid adding more functions like DATE and just refer to the cell with a date of interest: =FILTER(Orders!A1:E20,Orders!C1:C20=Orders!C15). (function(d, s, id) { Notice that the filtered data on the right side of the image above does not contain any of the rows/calls that Bob was involved in. This again can be a column/row (corresponding to the column/row of th… Using RATE function in Excel to calculate interest rate, Attaching files from SharePoint to Outlook email, How to attach files to Outlook email from OneDrive, LARGE IF formula in Excel: get n-th highest value with criteria, Compare 2 columns in Excel for matches and differences, CONCATENATE in Excel: combine text strings, cells and columns, Create calendar in Excel (drop-down and printable), 3 ways to remove spaces between words in Excel cells, How to fix "Cannot start Microsoft Outlook. When using the Google Sheets FILTER function you may want to output a set of data that meets more than just one criteria. Because instead of typing everything out, you can simply refer to cells with conditions. Google Chrome is a trademark of Google LLC. 2. condition1: This is the columns/row (corresponding to the column/row of the dataset), that returns an array of TRUEs/FALSES. The functions like Filter, Query, Regex, ArrayFormula, Import, Googlefinance, and Sortn make Google Sheets one of the killer Spreadsheet applications of the current time. To get ahold of those orders that are due on 9 January 2020, I'll invite the DATE function: =FILTER(A1:E20,C1:C20>=DATE(2020,1,9),C1:C2049,C2>49,D2>49),"PASSED","FAILED") You can use it to sort data alphabetically, numerically, or even by date, and you can sort both vertically and horizontally. Learn to automate and grow your business with spreadsheets. remove() void: Removes this filter. Click here to read more about me and Spreadsheet Class. If you want to turn the same filter back on, you need to set the criteria again. Unlike traditional lookup functions that return a single result, the FILTER function can return ALL matches.. Because the FILTER function is dynamic, the results are automatically updated when the data or criteria changes.. Filtering can be based on one or multiple criteria. Watch & Learn. My name is Corey, and I am a huge spreadsheet nerd! So you can either type the date that you want to filter by into a cell, and then use that cell as a reference in your formula… or you can use the DATE function. You won't find it in Excel, so it is definitely worth checking out. The arguments are all the same. Thus, to correctly set the OR logic in the FILTER function, I should sum these two criteria within one condition: =FILTER(A1:E20,(E1:E20="Late")+(E1:E20="On the way")). Silver Sky, LLC is a limited liability company headquartered in Colorado, USA. When filtering by date you can use the same operators (>, <, =, etc…) as in other FILTER function applications. All of the research I've done has pointed to needing VB, which is something I'd like to avoid. To look through its options closer, visit its tutorial page or watch a special instructional video: =FILTER(range, condition1, [condition2, ...]), =SEARCH(search_for, text_to_search, [starting_at]), Thank you for your comment! Let’s break this down and explain each of these terms. How to filter horizontally in Google Sheets. The syntax is pretty easy since each argument speaks for itself: In the above IMPORTRANGE filter function “3” indicates the column number that corresponds to the the Category column and “Groceries” is the criteria we’re using to filter. We mentioned how to filter by value and by condition. FILTER is for reducing data and SORT is for, well, sorting it. Which of the following formulas uses AND logic, where BOTH conditions must be met to satisfy the filter criteria? Don't get puzzled by its name. When using the FILTER formula in this way, you can choose criteria from the same or different columns. Normally, you'd use wildcard characters for this task. This smart package will ease many routine operations and solve complex tedious tasks in your spreadsheets. In this example we are using the operator "=" (Equal To) for the filter condition/criteria, but you can also use any of the following: "=" (Equals)">" (Greater than)"<" (Less than)"<>" (Not equal to)">=" (Greater than or equal to)"<=" (Less than or equal to). Here is an example of how to filter data from another tab in Google Sheets, where your filter formula will be on a different tab than the source range. range is the data to be sorted. Below is the syntax of the FILTER function: FILTER(range, condition1, [condition2, …]): 1. range: This is the range of cells that you want to filter. For example, in Google Sheets, the date "06/01/2019" is simply the number "43,617", but displayed in date format. Then, you'll learn the secrets of using the Google Sheets sort function to put data in the sequence you need to see it in. Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash. I enter the range to filter — A1:E20 — and then set the condition — column E should equal Late: I can ask the function to get me all orders but those that are late. Formula example: =FILTER(A:B, B:B=F1) AND with FILTER Function in Google Sheets (All Subjects >=50, Passed) Here we require to use AND with Filter Formula. For that, I will need a special comparison operator (<>) that means not equal to: Now I'd like to show you how to build the Google Sheets FILTER function based on the partial match. Next click Data > Create a Filter, or click the Filter button in the toolbar. When using the filter formula with multiple conditions like this, the columns in each condition must be different. And, we can add multiple criteria across columns. FILTER function is great and all, but sometimes it can be too much. condition1 is a column or row containing TRUE or FALSE values corresponding to a selected column or row of the range. Google Sheets can contain multitudes of data, so much so that you'll need help organizing it. This is similar to the example we went over in part 2, but in this example instead of working with percentages, we are dealing with dates. The logic: Filter the range A3:C, where C3:C is less than the date of (06/01/2019). The basic filter for a spreadsheet is a filter that is applied whenever you view the spreadsheet. I realise this formula isn't pretty and there's probably a better and more logical way to do this. Accordingly, we will be able to generate a new set of data while the original data remains intact. While I mainly used one condition in all Google Sheets filter formulas before, it is more likely that you'll need to filter a table by a few conditions at a time. Active 1 year, 2 months ago. I have a Sheet with the prices of some products Each column is a parameter. In this scenario we are filtering a list that shows customers and their payment status, and we want to display only customers that have a payment status of “Late”. You need to know the exact name of the function and the inputs it takes to make it work. *This article focuses specifically on the FILTER function that is typed into the spreadsheet cells as a formula, and not the filter command available from the toolbar and pop-up menus. To find all rows falling between two numbers/dates/times, the optional arguments of the function will come in handy — condition2, condition3, etc. :) Come explore the FILTER function with me. Complete Google Sheets formula cheat sheet. This comprehensive set of time-saving tools covers over 300 use cases to help you accomplish any task impeccably without errors or delays. However I will also show you how to make a slight modification to the function so that you can choose to set a second condition where EITHER condition can be met to return/display in the filter function's output/destination. In this example, we want to achieve the same goal as discussed above, but rather than typing the condition that we want to filter by directly into the formula, we are using a cell reference. Let's try and make the FILTER function in Google Sheets return orders that fall under all the following rules: Put all these parts together and your Google Sheets filter formula for multiple columns is ready: =FILTER(A1:E20,B1:B20>=200,B1:B20<=400,MONTH(C1:C20)=1,E1:E20="on the way"). Unlike the standard Google Sheets filter, the function doesn't do anything with your original data. Here's how to filter your data in Google Sheets. When you add one day to the date, this number increments by one each time… i.e "43,618"   "43,619"   "43,620". Or all even, or odd, values? ... Filter by merged cells in Google Sheets? In this scenario we want to filter the same customer data as shown in the previous example, but this time we want to show a list of customers who EITHER have an active membership OR who are late on their payment. The FILTER function and the filter functionality are different things. 1. Compose your response just once, save it as a template and reuse whenever you want. When using the DATE function to designate a certain date, you must first enter the year, then the month, and then the day… each separated by commas (shown below). The source range that you want to filter, can be a single column or multiple columns. SORTN can significantly reduce the number of steps that it takes to get the data that you need out of a table. If you try to type a date into the FILTER function like you normally would type into a cell… the formula will not work correctly. Conversely, one date can be said to be "less than" another date, if it is further in the past. Add a clear() sheet function to the top of the script, as this will be running … Remember how I looked for all orders that are late? Did you notice that order IDs in column A contain country abbreviations at their end? Some time ago we explained how to filter in Google Sheets using the standard tool. by Natalia Sharashova | updated on November 30, 2020 Keeping track of all arguments, delimiters, nested functions and whatnot can be extremely confusing and time-consuming. js = d.createElement(s); = id; Google Sheets FILTER function filters out subsets of data from a specified data range by a provided condition. Get your FREE Google Sheets formula cheat sheet, (Copy/Paste the formula above into your sheet and modify as needed), Syntax:FILTER(range, condition1, [condition2, …]), Formula summary: “Returns a filtered version of the source range, returning only rows or columns which meet the specified conditions.”. To return all rows with timestamps between 2:00 PM and 12:00 PM, do this: =FILTER(A1:B10,HOUR(A1:A10)>=HOUR("2:00:00 PM")). }(document, "script", "aweber-wjs-njbeb9rfa")); First let's go over using the FILTER function in Google Sheets in its simplest form, with a single condition/criteria. SORTN is similar to FILTER , which filters a specified range, but SORTN returns the highest n amounts while FILTER returns the matching amounts. 5 formulas that combine columns in Google Sheets. Look, I'm going to return only those orders that cost me more than $250 but less than $350: Sadly, to get all rows that contain different records in a column of interest, the previous way won't do. Suppose we want to retrieve all values above a certain threshold? Which of the following formulas uses the "Not Equal" operator? Advanced Filter Examples in Google Sheets Example 1: Using Reference cells and Aggregation. Now that you have got a basic understanding of how to use the filter function in Google Sheets, here is another example of filtering by a string of text, but in this example we will use the "not equal" operator (<>), so that you can learn how to filter a range and output data that is NOT equal to criteria that you specify. FILTER function explained. Let’s learn the magic of the filter from simple to crazy stuff it can do. The FILTER function in Google Sheets is one of the most powerful functions you can learn and use.. Learn how to use the SORT function with the FILTER function. SORT is often used with or instead of the FILTER function when widdling down large amounts of data. The format of a typical QUERY function is similar to SQL and brings the power of database searches to Google Sheets. The FILTER function is a very useful and frequently used function, that you will likely find the need for in many situations. 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