role of government in sustainable development

national, regional, industry, rural, or community. The Sustainable Development Commission (SDC) is the UK Government's independent adviser on sustainable development.We are an ( Development: Energy, Environment, and Health. It turns outthat the constructivist frameworkrepresents an adequate epistemologicalfoundation for this undertaking, as, Constructivism is an effective learning philosophy and a pedagogical theory of learning. The authors will also look for an answer to the question whether the policy of “green taxes” can contribute to the sustainable public financial system. In its 2003 publication, Advancing Sustainable Development in Canada, the fed- eral government’s Policy Research Initiative (PRI) concluded that the initial divide between those seeking environmental protection and those seeking development still reverberates in sustainable development discourse today.3Even though considerable progress has been made on integrating environment and development in such … Local Government do not have legislative functions but can make rules within the framework of … Expanded chapter conclusions and a brand-new online supplement with sample comprehensive exam questions and summary tables make this an even more valuable resource for all public administration students. The government through the lows, programs, plans, and strategies oriented people to choose the tools in economy’s branches and to walk in sustainable development without afraid for the future. The severity of environmental problems, rapid urbanisation, and the dynamics underlying local governance requires clear strategies for local economic development (LED), which target specific growth areas and collectively aim to increase the resilience of urban communities. Middle range theo. The nature and scale of such interventions depend on various factors, which include the ideological reasoning of policy makers, the availability of natural resources, demographical and geographical realities, as well as trajectories for economic growth. Working Paper 2. One of the economic branches European Scientific Journal November 2014 edition vol.10, No.31 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431 103 LOCAL GOVERNMENT`S ROLE IN THE SUSTAINABLE TOURISM DEVELOPMENT OF A DESTINATION Rezarta The annual meetings of the High-level Political Forum on sustainable development will play a central role in reviewing progress towards the SDGs at the global level. Join ResearchGate to find the people and research you need to help your work. Possible models include: prosperity and the general welfare of society with the protection of the environment. The strengthening of public institutions is at the heart of Sustainable Development Goal 16, as it aims to enable core functions of government as an essential strategy to promote just, peaceful and inclusive societies. International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC). 4W�����i��ꪼD���,_&Y^��j��V��%.�EB����YMU��6�BM�����Q�2Y���\Z3�k��Uv6���\+�&P�!K��,��\�բLJl���W��!�;���i}����]l�O��wq�&�����o�/������܁F�@��b!�Z�̲�Z����� m�eg���uw�ïVU1 �p8��lA��*�9�e����4Y.+ܒ����~�rW�Eų�y�*AZۭ� �ϗ�xv�!��}�{��0���lz����. Classical and neo-classical theories of government, Theories of Political Control of the Bureaucracy, Developmental states vs. weak or fragile states, Bi-lateral and multilateral co-operation and coordination, Monitoring systems to report on environmental damage, Mandates, role and functions of the respective institutions, Nature of the strategic and operational functioning, Incentives for business to recycle (e.g. LED is generally regarded as an integrated strategy to address complex urban challenges by promoting economic development in local areas. Paradigmatic controversies, contradictions, and emerging. An analytical framework is thus forged from a conceptual framework in order to understand the potential (causal) relationships between concepts in the search for meaning. Dodds, H.S. politics of sustainability discourses and practices. the government as catalyst for change even more indispensable. Role of Private Sector in Sustainable Development Highlighted at IAEA Conference If you would like to learn more about the IAEA’s work, sign up for our weekly updates containing our most important news, multimedia and more. 2005. Epistemological constructivism is generally the product of a priori knowledge and a particular interpretation of phenomena. Nevertheless, our contemporary world shows challenging situations in which the explanatory models of normal sciences have not proved effective. In formulating teleological behaviorism as a philosophy of behavioral science, Rachlin follows Aristotle in distinguishing efficient from final causes. Encourage self-help, home-grown initiatives, Capital, cost of production (total production costs), Ecological accounting, taxation (e.g. uncover related concepts and thereby facilitate a metasynthesis (Nelson 2006). The economic dimension. Portney, K. 2005. The role of local governments in sustainable urbanization The world is urban, and it is widely acknowledged that the battle for sustainable development will be won or lost in cities. Constructivism within the social sciences can be regarded as a foundational point of departure for purposes of scientific inquiry. essential for the collective survival of a society in particular and humankind in general. From these studies the need is, issues are captured mainly in the social dimension of sustainability. This chapter examines more closely the epistemological status of teleological. The process culminated in the subsequent adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, with 17 SDGs at its core, at the UN Sustainable Development Summit in September 2015. This paper addresses the questions concerningthe relationship between scientific andcognitive processes. Depending where one looks you will find various definitions aimed at describing ‘sustainability’. ecology. The four sections describe the politics of the global environment in the context of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development; the debate on sustainability and how it has become devalued by widening definitions and overuse; the role of the international economy in undermining global ecology; and prescriptive chapters on ecologically sustainable community development in Africa and South Asia. A conceptual framework as product of constructivism is usually designed based on a sound theoretical framework, which lies on a much broader cognitive scale of abstraction. The government through the lows, programs, plans, and strategies oriented people to choose the tools in economy's branches and to walk in sustainable development without afraid for the future. Civic engagement and sustainable cities in the United States. Creating more intelligent cities: The role of ICT. Foray, D. The role of government in building the sustainable economy includes: Funding basic science needed for renewable energy and renewable resource technology. By Kenneth B. Malmberg June 17 The, The above-mentioned theories may underpin the. International Journal of Social Economics. w ho, what, where, and how ), and is highly multidimensional. << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> control of inflation, unemployment, etc.)(cf. collapse, envisioning a sustainable future. Van der Waldt, G. 2015. Pathways and paradigms for. water, air and soil analyses). its focusof interest is on the (constructive)relationship between the world and itsrepresentation. The government through the lows, programs, plans, … One of the first steps governments take to implement the Agenda is often to shape the institutional arrangements for steering the implementation of the SDGs and reviewing progress. Government includes political strategies, management, and leadership. New York, NY: United Nations. This implies facilitating the private sector in various ways. Sustainability concerns the global, long-term impact of our practices, relationships, and institutions because we live in a connected world " – Thiele (2013:3), : Disciplinary perspectives on sustainable development dimensions and concepts, All figure content in this area was uploaded by Gerrit Van der Waldt, All content in this area was uploaded by Gerrit Van der Waldt on Aug 25, 2016, The Role of Government in Sustainable Developm, framework, which lies on a much broader cognitive. LED strategies form a critical component of the broader national and regional strategic development planning effort in a country like South Africa, and incorporate various dimensions such as social and economic realities, and environmental concerns. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience. It is expected that governments muster coherent policy responses to the highly complex environmental problems that society is facing currently. %��������� This area has become a scientific possibility for transcending reductionist analyses of classical sciences, by means of systemic comprehension of contemporary phenomena within the economic, social, environmental, political and ecological domains. equity, social security, services, regulatory (e.g. The government has to play, a positive and supportive role for the sustainable growth and development of the countries business and economy. I show that the functional properties found in mechanistic explanations in the special sciences, as well as the versions of “functionalism” built upon them, fail to fit under the Standard Picture. Governments should A resilient city is one that has developed capacities to absorb future shocks and stresses. This agenda consists of 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) and 169 targets. Pittsburg, PA: University of Pittsburg Press. The students and the teachers move through this semantic loop and organise their personal constructed conceptions in order to construct and produce their individual meanings, to exchange the constructed meanings and to produce their meaningful comprehensions. All rights reserved. However, this is a context-sensitive tool that managers can adapt to their own publication/platform. Let me be more specific and propose a general description of my framework that supports students’ [and teachers’] meaning construction processes within their constructivist conversational exchanges, see [1, 2, 3]. Conceptual frameworks are built. In the framework of constructivism, a student with insights based on her/his background knowledge, could actively participate in a dialogue with her/his teacher in order to develop her/his knowledge of multiple, Epistemological approaches in classical science were grounded on the explanatory needs of the phenomena of their historical time. In concluding, however, I outline some general meta-methodological lessons that can finally help to lift the “fog” enveloping “functionalism(s)” to ground more productive approaches in future work. (Miles and Huberman 1994:133). 2000. The authors survey a broad range of theories and analytical approaches-from public institutional theory to theories of governance-and consider which are the most promising, influential, and important for the field. Contemporary socioeconomic discourse reveals that development agencies and actors increasingly emphasise place-based planning and people-centred approaches to deal with local economic development (LED) challenges. The Public Administration Theory Primer explores how the science and art of public administration is definable, describable, replicable, and cumulative. The wider the category, the more embracing, the ‘more final’ the cause.” (Rachlin, 1994, p. 21). This book paints a full picture of how these theories contribute to, and explain, what we know about public administration today. size or composition of the population); historical realities (e.g. The Role of Government Regulation and Leadership in Increasing Sustainability The views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of ASPA as an organization. Constructivism within the social sciences can be regarded as a foundational point of departure for purposes of the setting in terms of ideology, culture and belief system of the researcher. The aim of the considerations (discussion) is to present changes in the approach to the use of “green taxes,” as an important instrument of the public sector environmental policy in the impact on reducing pollution on the environment conducive to sustainable development. conventions. presenting or illustrating the frameworks; determining the level of sophistication and detail to include; the classification and categorisation system to be utilised; government’s role in sustainable development. Given that the baseline purpose of government is to protect and promote the best interests of the people governed it makes sense that it is necessary that government invest in strategies that in every possible way … analysis based on the conceptual framework. To gain understanding of this role a constructivist approach is followed in which a conceptual and an analytical framework are designed for scientific inquiry. " There are contemporary. This does not only mean closer physical proximity of development services but also democratic decisions and active participation. In its report to the UN Secretary General, the High Level Panel on Sustainable Development recognized the challenge of integrated policy making, and cited the integration of budgets as a powerful tool to drive coherence across governments. Efficient causes precede their effects and consist in the set of internal nervous discharges giving rise to particular movements; they would include internal physiological and cognitive precedents of activity. housing, transportation, food, and, Participatory and representative democracies, civil, Level of corruption and maladministration, Culture of consumerism which is ecologically destructive, Social capital, resilience of communities, Protection of whistle-blowers on environmental damage. Furthermore, it could be understood to be an epistemology and a supportive model of knowing. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons. The global community is living far beyond its ecological means. Global Ecology: A New Arena of Political Conflict. Among otherthings it is asked, whether a purelyfunctionalist and quantitative view of theworld aiming almost exclusively at itsprediction and control is really satisfying forour intellect (having the goal of achieving aprofound understanding of reality). multiple bodies of knowledge produced from diverse, Table 1: Disciplinary perspectives on sustainable development dimensions and concepts, A further possible dimension according to which the role of government in sustainable. -N.Adger. The aim of this article is to outline governments' interventions in sustainable development by focusing on a particular case, namely the South African Government. an abstract framework that maps the relationship among concepts; flowchart-like account of events and how one thinks these are connected; causal network of variables or influences; treelike diagram explaining the meanings of words; and. Civil society’s crucial role in sustainable development 16 July 2018 Key players in the development community are meeting in New York for the main United Nations conference on sustainable development, the High-Level Political Forum (HLPF). It can express how the produced meanings based on human beings’ constructed concepts could support them in constructing their personal worlds and in creating and in developing their [constructed] knowledge. This context will be explored by focusing on specific social, economic and environmental interventions the South African Government has effected to facilitate sustainable development. e.g. order), and the provision of certain public goods and services. International Journal of Qualitative Methods. The EU has become a promoter of the idea of sustainable development and a defender of the global climate, which in many sectors results in ever higher and more ambitious ecological and efficiency requirements. simmons,club_of_rome_revisted.html. institutions because we live in a connected world”, “Sustainability concerns the global, long, policy-making role of the government for development. Santinha, G. and Anselmo de Catro, E. 2010. Three-dimension or Three Pillar Basic models; Urban Development and Human Geography models; Driving Force Pressure State Impact Response (DPSIR) model; and. Some of the most significant indices include: partnering countries committed themselves, branch needs to be studied in detail to understand the mandate, role and functions the, Sustainability Reporting Framework dimension, goals. 2009. It is a fact that many of the sustainable development goals (SDGs) that have been identifi ed will impact on the role and responsibilities of local government, namely, poverty reduction; access to … resources, maximise efficiency, service delivery); distributive (e.g. pollution taxes), Cooperation with private sector PPP, NGOs, Foreign Direct Investment, global competitiveness, Build capital (housing, transportation, energy, industry, Reduction of ecological and carbon footprint, Funding research and development in new greener, OECD Guidelines for multinational enterprises, United Nation’s Guiding Principles on Human Rights, Balance global responsibility and regional autonomy, Sustaining human settlement: A challenge for the new. welfare, and social empowerment (Thiele 2013:9). Development of a measuring tool to improve quality in all processes of community newspapers. should make provision for the following dimensions: CONCEPTUAL AND ANALYTICAL FRAMEWORKS CLARIFIED, According to Jabareen (2009:49) conceptual frameworks are products of qualitative processes, 2002:38) of a phenomenon. Actually the concept like ‘one world’, ‘global family, are common features of ‘common mankind’. d architecture. Regarding Piaget’s developmental theory of learning, constructivist learning is concerned with how the individual human being goes about the construction of knowledge in her/his own cognitive apparatus, see [5]. Innovation policy for development: A review, Guba, E.G. The framework represents a semantic loop. The government takes responsibility for the social and economic development of the country. What could be offered by knowledge construction within the developmental processes of personal world constructions is ‘a body of thought’ and ‘a semantic model’ to account for the emergence of the domain of the students’ and of the teachers’ [factual, procedural, conceptual and meta-cognitive] knowledge. The main reference to dialogue [and conversation] theory is [4]. The role of Local Governments in the Effective Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals 29.09.2015 New York, USA - Joint Press Release of the Global taskforce and UNCDF. In this chapter, I use the case of the special sciences, and a version of “functionalism” based upon them, to show that the Standard Picture is deeply flawed. This research has been designed based upon constructivist conversational learning. special support strategies and programmes to foster sustainable development. Understanding development: Issues and debates. (Access. However, a multitude of strategic considerations should be encapsulated in a more systemic and integrated approach to LED strategy design. Promoting Governments have moral and legal obligations to intervene in society in order to direct, regulate, facilitate and act as catalyst for economic prosperity, social justice and ecological sustainability. stream sustainability, environmental justice and equity. )Y,�8^��q&0�=�G��p�Ǻ���S���UU7)��/P߻�������9�s�s����x���}���w����ygiR.���r�,_%u\W�dQTU|����ϒ4����x����}���4I�z߯�JV�E�3Y>[��*+ʸ.�$-�,��1Y�&��xv��b�aX�C����� c`Õgu��uĔI]W�mr�_N��]����v̓��}������庫d�X (causal) relationships between concepts in the search for meaning. OECD Guidelines for multinational enterprises. capacity of the classical models of biomedical research to provide effective answers regarding their comprehension, prevention and control. allocative (e.g. The Sustainable Development Goals represent a transformative agenda. The final part of this paper addresses somemore fundamental questions concerning thepositivistic and constructivist understandingof science and human cognition. State wants to protect the environment use various intervention instruments, including environmental taxes: “green taxes.” In addition to the fiscal function, they are to stimulate various types of entities to undertake specific actions conducive to reducing pressure on the environment. facilitate the creation of a shared societal and global vision for. purpose make a considerable contribution to demarcate such an inquiry. Versions of “functionalism,” and their frameworks, have come to dominate many philosophical debates. It expressed a global call for taking urgent actions to save the planet. Concept mapping can take many forms, including: Typical complexities include the following: to government’s role in sustainable development. Chemistry (e.g. A new arena of political conflict. Using the tax system, government purchasing power and other financial tools to steer private capital toward investment in renewable energy and other sustainability technologies and businesses. On a global scale governments have to address serious challenges such as climate change, ecological dysfunction, and the depletion of natural resources. It is evident that the role of government in sustainable development entails various elements (i.e. Growing populations and rapid economic growth significantly increase the demands for. analyses (Liehr and Smith 1999: 13). Cambridge, MA: Research Paper, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy. and Lincoln, Y.S. This paper proposes an epistemological model for analysis of the health–disease phenomenon from the point of view of sustainability science. The analysis of efficient causes yields a mechanism that answer the question “How does this or that movement occur?” Final causes are consequences of behavior. dimensions for the design of an integrated conceptual and analytical framework. Brundtland Report (A/42/427). Local Government, Local Governance and Sustainable Development Getting the Parameters Right Introduction Since 1994, South Africa has experienced a steep learning curve with regard to institutional design in general, and local Furthermore, a dedicated urban goal would mobilise subnational governments and key role players and stakeholders in integrating the different components of sustainable development (spatial, social, environmental and economic), strengthen the linkages between the urban and rural areas, and at the same time address the resultant urban opportunities and challenges. The fact that both,science and cognition, aim at acquiring somekind of knowledge or representationabout the world is the key for establishing alink between these two domains. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: TOWARDS CONCEPT MAPPING. Zhang and Pearse 2011:10). regarding acceptable goals for sustainability performance, are: multinational enterprises and social policy; processes followed to design the actual framework. This government sets itself the target to become a developmental state according to the strategic goals of its National Development Plan. %PDF-1.3 The purpose of this article is to uncover critical considerations in the design of place-based LED strategies in South African municipalities by means of an extensive literature review. One of these fields is the area of health, in which the complexity of pathological phenomena continuously overwhelms the, Much depends on what you understand by “dispreferred.” We have already encountered teleological behaviorism in the context of the requirement that behaviorist explanations and interpretations should be capable to delimiting the range of consequences that can realistically be causally employed in accounting for behavior. Sustainable cities and governance: What are the connections? do not enable prediction of outcomes (Levering 2002:38). -term impact of our practices, relationships, and. demographic circumstances (e.g. subjects. enforce law, policy making, protection, social justice, earth’s biophysical capacity. 2015 was a landmark year for multilateralism and international policy shaping, with the adoption of … The third edition is fully revised and updated to reflect the latest developments and research in the field including more coverage of governments and governance, feminist theory, emotional labor theory, and grounded research methodology. designs for generalized causal inference. Governments of countries that ascribe to these reporting. Role of Malaysian Local Government in Knowledge Transfer Practices towards Sustainable Development SULKIMIN MOHAMED Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia Email: Tel: +60127029870 SEOW TA Accordingly, knowledge construction will be analysed in the context of teacher- student dialogues. On this basis, a number of strategic approaches to LED were designed by local government to realise developmental objectives. Sustainable development in Government is about developing policies which consider the potential impacts and opportunities for driving improvements across the economy, environment and society in both the short and longer term. However, the literature shows few specific references to an epistemological approach that may establish the boundaries for a metatheoretical structure on which knowledge can be generated in the framework of this emerging scientific discipline. empowerment (Meadows, Meadows and Randers 1992; Agyeman, Bullard and Evans 2002). The future generations are the concerns to be taken care of not only by the people but also by … socio-economic status or growth trajectory. However, they do not contain specific analyses and conclusions when it comes to the role of the local government in ensuring sustainable development of cruising: Ministry of Tourism and Environmental Protection [28,2926,27]. Cultural/diversity issues in Public Administration teaching, Measuring and improving quality dimensions in community newspapers, Constructivism, Cognition, and Science – An Investigation of Its Links and Possible Shortcomings, A Constructivist Model of Knowing based on Teacher-Student Dialogues. Role of individual in sustainable development has a jurisprudential approach also. This includes: 1. Unfortunately, there is now a damaging interpretive “fog” where “functionalism(s)” is applied because it widely assumed that what I term the Standard Picture is true of the metaphysics of “functionalism” and hence that there are unitary notions of “functional property,” “causal role,” and “realization” based around the machinery of topic-neutral Ramseyfication and second-order properties. Liehr, P. and Smith, M.J. 1999. Whichever role they take on, LG is designed to bring development to the people. 4 0 obj In this regard, the private sector is one of the key stakeholders that could shoulder a fundamental responsibility for … I also highlight the flawed arguments about special sciences that have recently been driven by using the Standard Picture. Epistemological constructivism is generally the product of a priori knowledge and a particular interpretation of phenomena. Table 1 below briefly outlines some of these disciplinary perspectives. In the last decade a new science of sustainability has emerged, grounded in general systems theory and the conceptual basis of sustainable development. descriptions of concepts associated with government; the level of sophistication such an analytical framework may have. Government, interdisciplinary vantage point. This assessment and accompanying recommendations can provide valuable guidelines for LED best practice. This article attempts to ring-fence the question: What does the role of government entail in sustainable development? © 2008-2020 ResearchGate GmbH. 17-34. Qualitative data analysis: An expanded source book, Qualitative research in business and management. In dealing with this matter the author constructs both, The proposed framework to analyse the role of government in sustaina. tax rebates), Three-dimension or Three Pillar Basic models, Urban Development and Human Geography mode, Transparency and information flow to test public opinion, Living standards (i.e. behaviorism and its contribution to the explanation of consumer choice. x�\��Ƒ�ϧ�OM`��. pp. processes, procedures, methods, organising, coordination, resources, forests, biodiversity, air quality, and, safety, ecological health, or climate stability), It is suggested that this broad conceptual and analytical framework could lead to the design of, (causal) relationships between variables. Government interventionism. This framework has been structured following the developmental processes of personal world constructions over students’ and teachers’ conceptions and concept constructions. The International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology. LOCAL GOVERNMENT`S ROLE IN THE SUSTAINABLE TOURISM DEVELOPMENT OF A DESTINATION @article{Brokaj2014LOCALGR, title={LOCAL GOVERNMENT`S ROLE IN THE SUSTAINABLE TOURISM DEVELOPMENT OF A DESTINATION}, author={Rezarta Brokaj}, journal={European Scientific Journal, ESJ}, year={2014}, volume={10} } ’, ‘ global family, are common features of ‘ common ’! To design the actual framework Through the Fog of “ functionalism ( s ) ” < /Length 5 R! ( Thiele 2013:9 ) the planet questions concerningthe relationship between scientific andcognitive processes 1992 ;,. ( SDGs ) and 169 targets this assessment and accompanying recommendations can provide valuable guidelines for LED best practice a. Of development ( e.g regional, industry, rural, or stability, state of development but! Bring development to the explanation of consumer choice of our practices, relationships, cumulative... ( s ) ” including: Typical complexities include the following: to ’! 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